GNSS (all systems)

June 1, 2020

New GPS Performance Document Gives Glimpses of L2C, L5, Expanded Constellation

The U.S. Air Force updated the GPS Standard Positioning System (SPS) Performance Standard (PS) in mid-April, 2020, the first new Performance Standard document since 2008. It includes mention of and  pre-Initial Operating Capability (IOC) performance standards for the new civil GPS signals L2C and L5 for the first time. In another new feature, the document mentions “expanded capabilities which allow the total size of operational constellation to grow beyond the previous maximum of 32 Navstar satellites” for “more robust constellation availability to enhance the overall SPS SIS performance.”

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By Inside GNSS
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May 25, 2020

Green Lane Speeds Border Crossings of Essential Goods

Galileo Green Lane, a new mobile app, facilitates the free movement of freight, reduces waiting times at European Union borders, and prioritizes essential goods during pandemic response. The app uses Galileo positioning services  to address the needs of border control authorities and truck drivers, with two intuitive user interfaces. The app was developed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in collaboration with the European Commission.

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By Inside GNSS
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5-cm Accuracy in Marine-Certified Receiver: Quad-Band Device Supports PPP Corrections

new marine-certified quad-band GNSS receiver, the LD900 from VERIPOS, delivers accurate, reliable positioning in demanding offshore environments. The LD900 can track four GNSS frequencies simultaneously to ensure a precise position is always available at sea. When combined with Apex5 correction services from VERIPOS, it delivers accuracy levels as precise as 5 cm (95%) to provide robust positioning for the most challenging applications, including deepwater drilling, seismic, construction, and survey.

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By Inside GNSS
May 21, 2020

The New Flex Power Mode: From GPS IIR-M and IIF Satellites with Extended Coverage Area

GPS satellites usually transmit their signals with constant power. However, a so-called “Flex Power” is foreseen to increase the strength of individual signals to better fulfill operational constraints. Flex power operations can be detected in carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) observations provided by GNSS receivers of the global tracking network of the International GNSS Service (IGS).

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By Peter Steigenberger, et al.

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Trust Inference Engine

Critical infrastructure has a compelling need to infer the assurance of PVT estimates—as do users in general. However, traditional PNT platforms do not offer a principled way to infer assurance from multiple anti-spoofing (A-S) techniques, situational awareness (SA) information, and other auxiliary sources such as network data. Here we introduce, a PNT Trust Inference Engine (PNTTING) that can assess PNT trust according to probabilistic models with rigorous semantics.

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By Andras Molina-Markham & Joseph J. Rushanan

Why is bounding GNSS errors under rare or anomalous conditions important, and what makes it difficult?

Estimating and quantifying errors in GNSS and other navigation user equipment is a common task and is important for understanding what roles or missions a given device is suitable for. Most users are familiar with the concept of accuracy, which is usually expressed as a bound on navigation error (relative to unknown truth) at a probability level between 0.5 and 0.95. This article expands on the concept of accuracy to estimate error bounds that are only violated with far smaller probabilities.

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By Inside GNSS
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