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Towards Navigation Safety for Autonomous Cars

Figures 1 – 6, Table 1

There are many good reasons for getting excited about highly automated vehicles, or HAVs, which is the acronym used by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). HAVs can make driving more fuel- and time-efficient. They can significantly reduce traffic congestion and emissions by driving a precise speed, minimizing lane changes, and maintaining an exact distance to neighboring cars. They can also increase accessibility and mobility for disabled and elderly persons.

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By Inside GNSS
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September 26, 2017

Ensuring PNT for All

Today’s headlines frame my thoughts about securing GNSS assets, which one expert has characterized as our “least visible and most vulnerable infrastructure.”

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By Inside GNSS

A Fresh Look at GNSS Anti-Jamming


GNSS is the technology of choice in most applications due to its dedicated infrastructure, Earth coverage, medium to high accuracy, and large market penetration. Most of the applications, including those we download on our smartphones, are in the category of Location Based Services (LBS). However, there are many other services and businesses that rely heavily on GNSS performance and reliability. For instance, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) make extensive use of GNSS technology and this dependence will only grow in the future.

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By Inside GNSS

Systemic Jamming

Figures 1 – 8, Tables 1 & 2, Equation 3

The vulnerability of GNSS to various forms of malicious interference have been widely discussed in recent years, and have considered a wide range of both real and potential attacks. Some of these have included extensive studies of commercially available jamming devices, while others have considered the more comprehensive case of spoofing, where the interference takes the form of genuine GNSS signals (For details, see papers listed in Additional Resources, including M. G. Amin et alia).

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By Inside GNSS
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August 10, 2017

GSA’s GNSS Opinion Leaders for August 2017

Bernhard Richter, Leica Geosystems GNSS business director
Enrico Salvatori, Qualcomm Europe
Carlo Bagnoli, STMicroelectronics

Carlo Bagnoli is Director of Infotainment BU System and Applications at STMicroelectronics. The company is a global semiconductor leader focusing on smart driving and the internet of things, creating intelligent and energy-efficient products that enable intelligent transport as well as smarter factories, cities and homes.

Within the infotainment business unit, Bagnoli and his team work to develop positioning receivers, broadcast receivers and communication processors for the automotive market. Doing so means gathering GNSS signals from far and wide.

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By Inside GNSS
January 24, 2017

Multi-Receiver GPS-Based Direct Time Estimation


Incorporation of real-time synchronized phasor measurements in the control of power grids can play an important role in maintaining the overall closed-loop stability of the power system. In the past, instability in the power grid caused disturbances ranging from small local perturbations to severe large scale blackouts as can be seen from Figure 1. Currently, the synchronization achieved in measurements collected using devices known as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is not robust enough for efficient monitoring the power grid.

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By Inside GNSS
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