Germany Becomes Second U.S. Ally to Receive M-Code MGUE
BAE Systems, Inc. received the first contract from the Space and Missile Systems Center’s Space Production Corps to deliver M-Code Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) to Germany.
By Inside GNSSBAE Systems, Inc. received the first contract from the Space and Missile Systems Center’s Space Production Corps to deliver M-Code Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) to Germany.
By Inside GNSSMaxtena, Inc. introduced a small, patented GNSS antenna for high precision and autonomous multi-frequency applications. The M9HCT-A-SMA antenna is a high accuracy, multi-frequency active helix GNSS antenna + L-band corrections services.
By Inside GNSSNew frontiers have opened up for line-of-sight communication, targeting, autonomous navigation, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and more, with the astonishing advances in inertial technology.
By Inside GNSSThe French company Geoflex demonstrated GNSS corrections-driven centimetric positioning in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo on July 8, at the national Stadium Alphonse Massamba-Debat. The demo employed a dual-frequency GNSS chipset receiving GPS and Galileo signals and the Geoflex corrections service via the Nigerian NIGCOMSAT-1R satellite on L Band
By Inside GNSSThe Air Force Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation Office demonstrated fused PNT technologies within an AgilePod during six successful Phase I sorties on an airborne testbed in Centennial, Colorado in April.
By Inside GNSSTesting of the first pair of Galileo Batch 3 satellites at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) was completed in April, and they are now in storage on site. Three more new Galileo satellites have since arrived from OHB in Germany
By Inside GNSSIridium Communications Inc. received a research and development contract worth up to $30 million from the United States Army to develop a payload to be hosted on small satellites that supports navigation systems, guidance and control for GPS and GPS-denied precision systems.
By Alan CameronNASA has awarded a contract to the University of Michigan for the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) for mission operations and closeout. A constellation of eight microsatellites, the system can view storms more frequently and in a way traditional satellites are unable to, increasing scientists’ ability to understand and predict hurricanes. The total value of the contract is approximately $39 million. The CYGNSS Science Operations Center is located at the University of Michigan.
By Inside GNSSWork on the Galileo EU Defence (GEODE) program began earlier this year when a consortium of 30 organizations from 14 European Union (EU) member states met to initiate “the biggest Galileo application development project ever launched” and “one of the most ambitious defense cooperation projects launched under the umbrella of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP),” according to consortium leader FDC.
By Inside GNSSMicrochip Technology Inc. integrated its BlueSky GNSS Firewall with its TimePictra 11 synchronization monitoring and management platform to protect 5G networks and other critical timing infrastructure from GPS jamming and spoofing while providing single-console visibility across the entire timing architecture.
By Inside GNSSu-blox released a firmware update for its ZED-F9R positioning module, bringing robust centimeter-level positioning to slow-moving use cases such as robotic lawnmowers, e-scooters, and shared bicycles.
By Inside GNSSThe U.S. Space Force brought broadcast of the modernized encrypted M-Code signal one step closer to global availability for authorized military users with the launch of the fifth GPS III satellite on June 17.
By Inside GNSSIncreasingly, professional and industrial users struggle to work around unexplained GNSS outages. Often, they don’t realize an interferer has popped up in their midst. Situational awareness is now a key component whenever GNSS is employed.
By Inside GNSS