Alert to Spoofing and Jamming: Last Chance to Be Nobody's Fool - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Alert to Spoofing and Jamming: Last Chance to Be Nobody’s Fool

Increasingly, professional and industrial users struggle to work around unexplained GNSS outages. Often, they don’t realize an interferer has popped up in their midst. Situational awareness is now a key component whenever GNSS is employed. Am I being jammed? Am I being spoofed? From where, by whom?

These disruptions will only escalate over time. Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of an Interference Tool Kit and other countermeasures built into advanced receivers.

A free webinar on Wednesday, June 23, gives attendees a solid technical grounding in the electronics of jamming and spoofing, and explores the tools available to detect, geolocate and mitigate such interference, whether intentional or unintentional. Actual field use cases are described, showing just how widespread such outages are becoming.

To ensure the resilience and integrity of your GNSS positioning, tune in to our three expert speakers, each with years of experience combatting interference.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT

The expert panelists:

Logan Scott is an expert consultant in systems/signal processing in advanced RF systems including GPS, RFID, navigation, communications, radar, and emitter location systems. A Fellow of the Institute of Navigation and holder of 45 US patents, he is the inventor of the Chips Message Robust Authentication (CHIMERA) signal concept for navigation-signal authentication.

Neil Gerein is Senior Director of Marketing at Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning division, where he has worked for the past two decades, as aerospace & defense product manager, GPS systems engineer and other roles. He holds a Masters degree in electrical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan.

Chris Mayne is Managing Director at Forsberg Services Ltd, a European positioning, navigation and timing component and systems provider, having been with the company since 2003. He holds Masters degrees in professional practice management and leadership and in mobile game design and M-commerce from Lancaster University.

Unable to attend the live webinar on June 23?
REGISTER TODAY and you will receive an invitation to view on-demand at your convenience.

