Global PPP Corrections Service Goes Quad-Constellation - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Global PPP Corrections Service Goes Quad-Constellation

Rx Networks announced Global PPP correction service, providing the accuracy, providing global precise point positioning (PPP) corrections for every major GNSS constellation. There is an increasing trend for mobile devices integrating multi-constellation GNSS chipsets to require even better positioning. serves Global PPP corrections for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou GNSS constellations. Mass-market multi-constellation GNSS chipsets can now augment all their satellite measurements with accuracy and fully leverage their positioning capabilities with quad-constellation support. Consumer devices now have the potential to achieve 50 cm position accuracy when using Rx Networks services for any of the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou constellations.

Other IoT and infrastructure applications that do not require real-time positioning can realize 10 cm accuracy in a variety of environments. Multi-constellation correction capability ushers in new possibilities and use cases for the connected receiver. remains ubiquitous and as flexible as possible to GNSS chipsets using industry standard formats, and is also receptive to custom integration services for unique usage scenarios. By offering PPP and other high accuracy services in a variety of data standards, gives telecom providers a straightforward approach to integrating high accuracy services.

