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B: Applications

July 5, 2012

Single- versus Dual-Frequency Precise Point Positioning

Q: What are the tradeoffs between using L1-only and L1+L2 for PPP?

A: Precise point positioning (PPP) is a technique that can compute positions with a high accuracy anywhere on the globe using a single GNSS receiver. It relies on highly accurate satellite position and clock data that can be downloaded from the International GNSS Service (IGS) or obtained in real-time from a number of service providers, using either the Internet or satellite links.

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By Inside GNSS

INS Face Off

TOP PHOTO: Antenna configurations on trials vehicle: Dual GPS antennas for the INS under test and single GPS antenna for the CIMU; BOTTOM PHOTO: Commercial IMU/DGPS system used for reference (left), FOG-based INS configuration (middle), and MEMS-based INS configuration 2 (right)

The automobile versus the horse and buggy. Cloud computing opposite desktop software. The trend is predictable, yet it is always surprising when one technology takes over the market space of another. After all, television did kill off the radio star.

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By Inside GNSS

Drones to the Rescue!

August 1994, early morning. Spain’s Central Pyrenees Mountains still in darkness.

At the outset of an ascent to a 3,000-meter peak along the international border, one of the co-authors encounters a group of tourist hikers who have begun searching for a colleague who had left the camp the previous evening. In the pre-sunrise gloom, helicopters cannot yet operate.

A week later, the body of the hiker is found. The rescue efforts came, unfortunately, too late.

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By Inside GNSS
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July 3, 2012

Mission Accomplished: ESA Turns Out the Lights on GIOVE-A

ESA expert inspecting GIOVE-A in clean room in Baikonur Space Center, Kazakhstan. ESA photo

With the first two Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) spacecraft working well, the European Space Agency (ESA) has decided to end the mission of its pioneering GIOVE-A satellite that had long exceeded it original purpose and design life.

Meanwhile, with the next Galileo launch approaching, ESA has expanded its Radio Navigation Laboratory (RNL) to meet the testing needs of Europe’s GNSS program.

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By Inside GNSS
July 2, 2012

House and Senate Slash Civil GPS Funding

[Updated July 2] Appropriators in both the U.S. House and Senate have slashed next year’s funding for support of the civil portion of the GPS program. Lawmakers halved the portion of the Federal Aviation Administration budget dedicated to supporting the civil signals as well as the ground network monitoring of those signals.

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By Inside GNSS
June 18, 2012

Leica Geosystems and Locata Extend Technology Partnership

Leica Geosystems Mining and Locata Corporation will continue their exclusive technology partnership in the mine machine automation and mine fleet management markets until at least June 2014. The extension guarantees the ongoing, commercial provision to the global mining industry of the Leica Jigsaw Positioning System (Jps), powered by Locata technology.

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By Inside GNSS
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June 8, 2012

New Navigator Seminar

Business School, University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus

The Royal Institute of Navigation will hold a new navigator seminar and networking opportunity at the University of Nottingham on June 14, 2012 for new navigators, engineers, scientists and surveyors who are seeking careers in the industry.

Masters and doctoral level students will present on navigation and positioning topics, advanced undergraduates and postdocs will be in attendance. A number of industry and government representatives will exhibit or attend to listen to new research and meet the new talent.

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By Inside GNSS
May 31, 2012

GSA Issues Second GNSS Market Report: 1.1 Billion Units by 2020

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published its second GNSS market report, including a special focus on maritime and surveying application markets and refining its projections of unit and sales revenue volumes through 2020.

According to the new GSA report, the worldwide GNSS market is growing rapidly with total market size expected to increase at an average of 13 percent per year until 2016. At that point, increasing market saturation, price erosion, and platform convergence will reduce the growth rate.

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By Inside GNSS

Air Force Awards Service Support Contract for GPS III SVs

The U.S. Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin a $68 million contract to provide mission readiness, launch, early orbit checkout, and on-orbit operations engineering support for the first two GPS III space vehicles.

Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will provide technical support to the Air Force’s 2nd Space Operations Squadron (2SOPS) and monitor the health and performance of the first two GPS III satellites from launch through their 15-year operational design lives.

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By Inside GNSS

NovAtel, Interstate Electronics Team on SAASM RTK Receiver Board

NovAtel Inc. today (May 30, 2012) announced the development of their OEM625S Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) GNSS receiver, the first product emerging from a collaborative effort with L-3 Interstate Electronics Corporation (IEC).

The OEM625S, which becomes available for purchase in the third quarter of this year, will combine a commercial dual-frequency NovAtel GNSS receiver with an L-3 IEC XFACTOR SAASM in a single card solution, reducing overall size and power requirements for end customer applications.

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By Inside GNSS