Unmanned Systems: Navigation, Guidance, and Integrity for Autonomous Ground and Air Vehicles - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Unmanned Systems: Navigation, Guidance, and Integrity for Autonomous Ground and Air Vehicles

This webinar took place on November 13, 2013.

Webinar Presentation Slides

Autonomy, but at what price? 

This webinar took place on November 13, 2013.

Webinar Presentation Slides

Autonomy, but at what price? 

A growing concern to designers and manufacturers of autonomous systems for ground and air vehicles revolves around ensuring the reliability of positioning used for navigation and guidance. This is particularly a consideration for operations in environments where interference, jamming, and spoofing may occur.

Join Inside GNSS and NovAtel for this free webinar and learn about the factors affecting operations of unmanned systems, design challenges and solutions, and some of the options for addressing associated integrity issues.

Hear presentations from these experts in the field:

Panel Members

Dr. Stephen Heppe, principal, Telenergy, Inc., Hood River, Oregon, has 35 years of technical and managerial experience in aerospace, navigation, and communications supporting private industry, FAA, DoD, NASA, and other U.S. government agencies and international clients. He currently operates Telenergy, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in absolute and relative positioning, navigation, internet-based and RF communication systems, and spectrum management. From 2002 until 2009, Dr. Heppe was vice-president and chief scientist for Insitu, Inc., a manufacturer of small robotic aircraft (SeaScan, ScanEagle/Insight, Integrator), subsequently acquired by Boeing. His primary areas of responsibility included the aircraft avionics, engineering, and flight safety reviews. 

Todd Colten, principal aero/systems engineer, Sensors & Integrated Systems, UTC Aerospace Systems, Burnsville, Minnesota, is an expert in small, unmanned aircraft and small unmanned aircraft systems. He has been developing, testing, training, and supporting small UASs since 2002.  He has worked on more than a dozen unmanned aircraft ranging from research and development micro sized aircraft, production mini aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin Desert Hawk family, and larger unmanned aircraft including variants of the Predator-B. Previously Mr. Colten spent 10 years working for Lockheed Martin, most of which involved working on a variety of unmanned aircraft. 

Christopher Wilson, CEO, Vehicle Data Science Corporation, Redwood City, California, an early-stage startup with initial funding from a National Science Foundation grant. VDS uses location data from vehicles to derive driving behaviors, which are captured in a proprietary database. This database feeds applications in the areas of driver safety, fuel economy and autonomous vehicles. Mr. Wilson is a former director of program and product management, advanced driver assistance systems for TomTom and previously served as vice-president of DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology North America Inc., ITS Strategy & Programs.


Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, associate professor of aerospace engineering and mechanics at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. His research deals with the design of multi-sensor navigation and attitude determination systems for aerospace vehicles, most recently focusing on multi-sensor solutions for operations in GNSS-stressed and GNSS-denied environments.

