satellites/space segment

April 30, 2012

China Succeeds with Dual BeiDou-2 Compass Satellite Launch

Two Beidou-2 MEO satellites go up on a Long March rocket

China successfully launched two Compass satellites into space at 4:50 a.m. Beijing Time on Monday, April 30 (20:50 UTC, April 29).

Designated Compass M3 and M4, these are the 12th and 13th of its second-generation Beidou-2 spacecraft to reach orbit and the second and third middle-Earth-orbiting (MEO) spacecraft launched by China’s GNSS program.

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By Inside GNSS
April 21, 2012

Parts Testing Drives Up GPS III Program Costs, Forces Prime to Forego $70 Million Incentive Fee

The core structure of the GPS III Non-Flight Satellite Testbed (GNST) stands vertical in Lockheed Martin’s GPS III Processing Facility. LM photo.

An emphasis on quality assurance in system engineering and components in the first GPS III satellite now under development has driven projected costs up in the program above the budgeted amount, leading the U.S. Air Force to deny a $70 million incentive fee to prime contractor Lockheed Martin.

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By Inside GNSS
April 20, 2012

U.S. Satellite Export Policy Report Retains GPS Restrictions

The Global Positioning System and GPS receivers show up several times as items of special concern in a report to Congress submitted Wednesday (April 18, 2012) by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of State. The subject is discussed in an appendix addressing “China’s Space-related Strategic Goals, Capabilities, and Methods for Acquiring Technology.”

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By Inside GNSS
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April 19, 2012

SSTL Delivers Nav Payload for First Galileo FOC Satellite

Soyuz VS01, the first Soyuz flight from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, on its launch pad at Europe’s Spaceport before October 21, 2011, launch. ESA photo – S. Corvaja 2011

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) has delivered the first of 14 full operational capability (FOC) payloads for Galileo to prime contractor OHB System AG.

First launch of Galileo FOC spacecraft from Europe’s spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, is currently expected to take place in the second quarter of 2013: two space vehicles (SVs) on board a Russian Soyuz rocket.

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By Inside GNSS
April 6, 2012

China Plans Dual Launches of Compass-BeiDou MEOs

News sources indicate that the first Beidou-2 dual launch will take place in April or possibly May. A Long March 3B rocket will carry two middle Earth orbiting (MEO) satellites (M3 and M4) into orbit.

In addition to being the first dual launch of Compass satellites, this will be the first launch of MEO spacecraft since April 14, 2007, when the Chinese GNSS program put the initial second-generation BeiDou satellite into orbit. So far, Compass M1 is the only MEO satellite in the BeiDou-2 constellation.

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By Inside GNSS
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March 28, 2012

IFEN and WORK Microwave Announce More Upgrades for NavX-NCS Simulators

IFEN GmbH and WORK Microwave have announced a new round of enhancements to the NavX-NCS line of GNSS multi-frequency simulators.

Increased usability and control is achieved through the new NCS Control Center software release V1.7, according to the Germany-based companies. The GNSS simulators now feature motion models that simulate the physical behavior of various types of vehicles or vessels, including airplanes, trains, cars, trucks, and ships.

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By Inside GNSS
March 22, 2012

SBIRS Decision Could Undermine Prospects for GPS Dual-Launch

SBIRS GEO-2 satellite in Baseline Integrated System Test (BIST-1). Lockheed Martin photo.

The Air Force is poised to forego putting nuclear detonation detection sensors on the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) satellites, a decision that could complicate efforts to maintain the GPS system by hampering plans to launch multiple, lighter GPS satellites on a single rocket.

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By Inside GNSS
February 29, 2012

GPS Program Budget: A Lot, But Is It Enough?

The details of President Obama’s 2013 budget have been gradually filtering out and, in general, the GPS system and those programs closely linked to satellite navigation, have escaped deep cuts.

On the hardware side the White House has requested $58.2 for GPS IIF satellite procurement. According to Air Force budget documents, the plan is to then wrap up the total IIF procurement of 12 satellites with a request for $77.6 million in FY14 and $7.3 million in FY15.

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By Inside GNSS
February 25, 2012

China Launches 11th Compass/BeiDou-2 Satellite

China successfully launched a satellite into space at 00:12 Beijing Time on February 25 (February 24, 16:12 UTC/GMT), the 11th of the nation’s second-generation Beidou, or Compass, GNSS system.

The satellite, launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern Sichuan province, was carried by a Long March-3C carrier rocket into a geosynchronous orbit. It is the fifth geostationary spacecraft in the current BeiDou-2 constellation.

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By Inside GNSS
February 23, 2012

IFEN and WORK Microwave Introduce Enhanced NavX-NCS GNSS Simulator

IFEN, the Poing, Germany–based manufacturer of GNSS navigation products and services, working in partnership with WORK Microwave, have announced an enhanced version of IFEN’s NavX-NCS Professional, a multi-frequency GNSS simulator.

Optimized for research and development of GNSS safety and professional applications, the enhanced version of the NavX-NCS Professional incorporate the following key features:

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By Inside GNSS
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