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GNSS (all systems)

January 10, 2023

GM Ventures Invests in FocalPoint’s Anti-Spoofing Technology

CAMBRIDGE, UK—FocalPoint, the UK software company which provides next generation positioning solutions for mobiles, wearables and vehicles, has announced a strategic investment from GM Ventures, the venture capital arm of General Motors, and a collaboration with GM to explore the application of next generation GPS technologies to the automotive market.

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By Inside GNSS
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January 6, 2023

EUSPA, European Commission Release Galileo Receiver Guidelines

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Commission recently published two new documents outlining Galileo receiver guidelines: the Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) Signal-in-Space (SIS) Interface Control Document (ICD) and the Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) Receiver Guidelines.

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By Inside GNSS
January 3, 2023

EU Project Combines Galileo Authentication and Blockchain

2022 saw the launch of a raft of new projects funded by the European Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA), applying space technologies in support of the European Union’s Green Deal. One of these projects, Space4Green, will develop a new software solution integrating Galileo OSNMA signals and Blockchain, to support trusted exchanges among users in agriculture and other sectors.

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By Peter Gutierrez
December 28, 2022

LEO Orbit Modeling Software, SimORBIT, Allows for Accurate Lab Testing and Verification, A First

As interest in low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites grows, so has the need for accurate modeling of the environment for precise, realistic GNSS/PNT testing. This, however, is a difficult task. LEO satellites are much closer to the Earth than MEO satellites, and that means they must endure different gravitational and atmospheric impacts that are difficult to replicate in a lab.

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By Renee Knight
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December 9, 2022

Adopting Bicomplex Numbers for GNSS Meta-Signal Processing

A 4D extension of complex numbers, bicomplex numbers allow for a compact representation of GNSS meta-signals with components from two different frequencies. Acquisition and tracking algorithms are obtained from the bicomplex signal representation, giving it potential for effective dual-frequency GNSS signal processing. 


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By Inside GNSS
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