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November 8, 2011

GPS Coalition To FCC: LightSquared Must Not Use Upper 10-MHz Band

A United States Army specialist explains GPS system to a Croation soldier in their mine-resistant, hardened vehicle, Afghanistan (2011 Photo: Brian Henriksen, US Army)

[Update November 9 2011] In an ex parte filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on November 8, a leading GPS advocacy group has asked that the agency “promptly rule” that LightSquared not be permitted to pursue high-powered terrestrial operations in the upper Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) band adjacent to the GPS L1 band.

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By Inside GNSS
October 20, 2011

Augmented Reality System Wins Top Prizes in 2011 European Satellite Navigation Competition

MVS-California, the 2011 USA Challenge winner, grabs the top prize at European Satellite Navigation Competition (pictured: ESNC organizers Thorsten Rudolph and Ulrike Daniels with Bavarian state minister Martin Zeil and winners Tom Zamojdo and Juliana Carnes Clegg. (The two women on the right are unidentified.)

MVS-California, LLC, winner of the USA Challenge, took the top global prize in this year’s European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) with the company’s True3D Head Up Display & Navigation System.
The company’s innovation is an augmented reality navigational display engine designed to provide non-distracting, translucent location guidance to untrained operators of any type of vehicle.

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By Inside GNSS
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October 14, 2011

Galileo: At Long Last, Launch

Galileo IOV satellites attached to their launch dispenser and encapsulated beneath the fairing of their Soyuz ST-B launcher Credit: ESA – P. Carril

Launch of two Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) satellites next week will bring Europe’s long-awaited (and much-delayed) GNSS program into a new phase.

Liftoff from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, is scheduled for Thursday, October 20, at 11:34 GMT (7:34 a.m. local time). Progress in the operations and news updates can be viewed online at the European Space Agency website.

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By Inside GNSS
October 4, 2011

GNSS Systems Reports: Compass ICD, Expanded QZSS, GLONASS Launches, GPS Budget Issues, Galileo Reprofiling

[Updated October 3] All five of the world’s major satellite navigation systems are poised to offer new capability — if the money comes through — program representatives told attendees at the recent Institute of Navigation’s GNSS 2011 conference in Portland.

The satellite navigation systems in China, Japan, and the United States have each recently had new satellites added, while those in Russia and Europe are poised for new launches. Budgets are in flux for most systems, however, so it remains to be seen how the systems will advance over the next year.

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By Inside GNSS
September 19, 2011

True3D Volumetric HUD

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The following was first of five finalists in the 2011 USA Challenge. The North American regional contest in the European Satellite Navigation Competition(ESNC) is part of a global search for the newest, best and most innovative GNSS application ideas. True 3D Volumetric HUD went on to win  €20,000 in prize money as the international winner, the 2011 Galileo Master.

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By Inside GNSS
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September 18, 2011


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The following is one of the five top submissions to the 2011 USA Challenge. The North American regional contest in the European Satellite Navigation Competition(ESNC) is a global search for the newest, best and most innovative GNSS application ideas with €20,000 in prize money for the international winner, the 2011 Galileo Master.


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By Inside GNSS