Rockwell Collins has delivered 21 prototype Ground-Based GPS Receiver Application Module Modernized (GB-GRAM-M) receivers that the Cedar Rapids, Iowa– headquartered company developed under the GPS Wing’s receiver card development program.
Rockwell Collins has delivered 21 prototype Ground-Based GPS Receiver Application Module Modernized (GB-GRAM-M) receivers that the Cedar Rapids, Iowa– headquartered company developed under the GPS Wing’s receiver card development program.
These GB-GRAM-M receivers have recently completed the contractor’s formal qualification testing and have been delivered to support the GPS Wing’s developmental test phase.
Concurrent with card delivery, Rockwell Collins conducted live satellite signal track testing to support on-orbit testing of SVN 62 — the first GPS IIF satellite launched May 27 — providing feedback to the system test team from the user equipment perspective. According to the GPS Wing, the live tracking of true Military Code (M-code) signal and recent card deliveries mark a significant milestone in the GPS modernized user equipment (MUE) receiver development program that will bring the next generation of GPS technology to the military users.
The goal of the MUE program is to demonstrate the critical technology needed to incorporate a new M-Code military signal and security architecture for enhanced integrity, exclusivity and improved anti-jam capabilities.
The MUE receivers are able to process legacy signals and precise (P-code) and coarse-acquisition (C/A-code) receivers while taking advantage of advanced signal structure and frequency offered by the new M-code.
Initiated in 2006, the GPS MUE program also has contracts in place with Interstate Electronics Corporation and Raytheon Corporation to develop the prototype receivers, both of which reported successful tracking of M-code signals last year.