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January 13, 2012

New Austerity Squeezes GPS as DoD Tightens Its Belt

Embracing the need for debt-driven discipline, the White House has revised its strategy for the nation’s defense, taking a more fiscally constrained approach that reduces the number of troops and future spending on defense systems.

The new plan, formally announced January 5, was already being put into effect last summer. “The strategic guid­ance was the compass by which we steered the budget review leading to the president’s budget for fiscal year ‘13 and the years thereafter,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter told reporters.

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By Dee Ann Divis
November 16, 2011

LightSquared: Who Pays for GPS Receiver Fixes Yet to be Devised?

With more testing on the horizon and a potentially alarming homeland security report about to be released, LightSquared’s efforts to begin work on its proposed wireless broadband service are stuck in the procedural mud.

The delays, which are never good for a commercial company, are piling up just as the firm’s coffers are thinning and need to be replenished with a new round of fund raising.

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By Dee Ann Divis

Staying In Lane

Next-generation car navigation may well require the ability to identify the lane in which a vehicle is operating on a motorway. This could support advanced driver assistance in general as well as the observation and study of driver behavior and traffic flow. Such road vehicle applications call for sub-meter positioning accuracy, often in real-time — all this preferably at low-cost.

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By Inside GNSS
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True3D HUD Wins Global SatNav Competition

Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs, gets behind the wheel with MVSC’s HUD system at the Makers Faire in San Mateo, California. MVSC CEO Chris Grabowski sits in the passenger seat; CTO Tom Zamojdo is in straw hat. Photo by Valerie Hall.

A San Francisco Bay Area company — Making Virtual Solid–California (MVSC), which snared a trio of awards in a global GNSS competition for its novel approach to driver assistance, is still in early phases of development.

The origins of the company, however, go back more than 40 years to the Cold War era when its principals, Chris Grabowski and Tom Zamojdo, were studying physics and theoretical mathematics at the University of Warsaw, Poland.

But more about that later — first, the news.

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By Inside GNSS

Everywhere Navigation

Consumer demand for positioning information is currently being met by a plethora of wireless positioning technologies. The most popular consumer positioning technology, GNSS, is only one option along with several methods that use cellular networks to provide location, such as wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless personal area networks (WPANs), radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, and ultrawideband (UWB) communications.

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By Inside GNSS
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Breaking the Ice

FIGURE 1: Current availability in the Arctic with VAL=35 m and HAL=40m.

The Arctic houses an estimated 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids according to the U.S. Geological Survey. These potential energy reserves represent 13 percent of the untapped oil in the world.

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By Inside GNSS
August 17, 2011

See the USA Challenge ‘Final Five’ Best Ideas at ION GNSS 2011

Artist’s clay rendering of the USA Challenge “Oscar.” The five finalists will be awarded this statuette in bronze at ION GNSS 2011.
Artist’s clay rendering of the USA Challenge “Oscar.” The five finalists will be awarded this stauette in bronze at ION GNSS 2011.

Right now, six GNSS experts are poring over the GNSS spplications ideas and location-based services submitted to the 2011 USA Challenge, one of 23 regional contests in the European Satellite Navigation Competition.

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By Inside GNSS
July 29, 2011

GNSS Experts to Judge 2011 Satellite Navigation Applications Idea Contest

Find out more about 2011 USA Challenge applications ideas

Six judges — satellite navigation engineering experts from Stanford University, the Air Force Institute of Technology, Overlook Systems, NovAtel, KLA Global, the Institute of Navigation, and Inside GNSS — will select the finalists in the 2011 USA Challenge, one of 23 regional contests in this year’s European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC).

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By Inside GNSS
July 11, 2011

What is a virtual reference station and how does it work?

Q: What is a virtual reference station and how does it work?

A: To reach centimeter-level — or even better — accuracy of positioning typically requires use of precise dual-frequency carrier phase observations. Furthermore, these observations are usually processed using a differential GNSS (DGNSS) algorithm, such as real time kinematic (RTK) or post-processing (PP). Regardless of the specific differential algorithm, however, implicit in the process is an assumption that the quality of the reference station data is consistent with the desired level of positioning accuracy.

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By Inside GNSS
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