GNSS (all systems)

Q: How can a GNSS satellite oscillator anomalies, even at micro-scale, be detected?

Incidents of GNSS signals that contain phase anomalies in a way as to mimic ionospheric scintillation have been observed in the past years. Although it is challenging to differentiate an oscillator anomaly from ionospheric scintillation, their underlying physics are different and show different carrier frequency dependency. Machine learning models using extensive GNSS databases can automatically detect satellite oscillator anomaly events.

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By Inside GNSS
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March 17, 2021

Catching A Ride: Improvements to Position Accuracy for eMobility Applications

eMobility services that provide on-demand eBikes and eScooters rentals are fast growing alternatives to traditional transportation modalities. As they are affordable, convenient, and very green, eMobility services will continue to grow in popularity. This article presents some of the challenges and useful solutions to accurately track eBike and eScooter location in the real world.

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By Inside GNSS
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