Tokyo, Japan-based CORE Corporation recently exhibited a line of customizable multi-GNSS receivers and Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) centimeter-level receivers at ION GNSS+. Customizable multi-GNSS receiver means users build up with CORE’s circuit design, FGPA and software program, not using any commercial or completed GNSS chips.
The company’s Cohac infinite repetition L6 decoder is designed to deliver positioning centimeter accuracy, and case studies indicate successful results in agricultural machinery, autos, railroad and aviation.
Looking ahead to QZSS service startup in November,CORE has released the new QZSS centimeter-level receiver supporting both CLAS and MADOCA. In addition to GNSS receivers, the company develops total GNSS solutions by fusing with Internet of Things (IoT), the cloud and applications to enable various possibilities for location, automotive, agriculture and train customers.
By Inside GNSS