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Columns and Editorials

February 5, 2020

European Space Agency Looks at 2020

European Space Agency (ESA) top brass welcomed journalists to the Agency’s headquarters in Paris for its annual New Year’s press launch. On hand was the Director General as well as ESA’s Galileo guru Paul Verhoef, who spoke one-on-one with Inside GNSS.

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By Peter Gutierrez
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Details Emerge On Ligado Decision Delay

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) told two U.S. Senators in January that his agency could not complete a decision on Ligado Network’s license modification by the end of 2019 because of a late-in-the-year response from a key federal agency.

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By Dee Ann Divis
January 26, 2020

What freeware or open-source software packages are available to support GNSS performance evaluations?

In the years since civil and commercial use of GPS and GNSS became common in the mid-1990s, a variety of software tools have been developed to perform offline analyses of GNSS performance and data collected from GNSS receivers. Some of these tools are part of commercial software packages such as Matlab [1] or STK [2]. This article focuses on tools that are freely available (as of early 2020) and are standalone or work with commercial software.

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By Sam Pullen
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January 14, 2020

Taking the Long View with Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska

When Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska left her native Poland to study GPS in the United States, little did she know her work there would go on for three decades and take her to the world’s farthest reaches. Today, as University Distinguished Professor, Lowber B. Strange Endowed Chair, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering and director of the Satellite Positioning and Inertial Navigation (SPIN) Lab at The Ohio State University, she leads a team of front-line GNSS researchers that is revolutionizing how we map and navigate.

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By Peter Gutierrez
January 12, 2020

Lamplights Glisten in the Cold As We Reflect Back – and Forward

We’ve a long history as a learned society,” Royal Institute of Navigation Director John Pottle told the plenary audience, “solving navigation problems is no longer a simple matter. It’s not all about the technology anymore. What we think we do, uniquely, in the world is to bring different disciplines together who share a common interest in navigation.”

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By Peter Gutierrez
December 20, 2019

DoD on Innovation Fast Track: Views Of Top Pentagon PNT Managers

Reducing the number of GPS receivers installed or carried while tapping multiple PNT sources.

Prototyping and beta testing are techniques closely associated with Silicon Valley, the innovation engine admired around the world and, in particular, inside the Pentagon. Simply introducing a new idea has been known to take years in these halls; witness the long introductory saga of GPS itself in the 1970s.

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By Dee Ann Divis
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