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March 20, 2023

Q: What are typical features of GNSS satellite faults in recent years? Are there any differences between satellite constellations?

A: While GPS satellite faults have always been infrequent, they have become rarer in the past decade due to the maturity of the GPS constellation and its Operational Control Segment (OCS). Lessons learned from past GPS satellite failures have also aided the development of newer GNSS constellations such as the European Galileo.

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By Inside GNSS
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February 9, 2023

Navigating Emergencies with a Low-RF CARS

The prototype, consisting of a single Tx-Rx communication link, was tested in indoor-to-indoor, outdoor-to-outdoor and outdoor-to-indoor communication scenarios and in both static and dynamic conditions. The outdoor-to-indoor results indicate that, with further development, the Civilian and Assets Recovery System (CARS) is a promising navigation and positioning technology.

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By Inside GNSS
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