B: Applications

Leica Geosystems Announces New Measurement System

Leica Viva from Leica Geosystems is a new-generation measurement system that combines a number of technologies into a portfolio of total stations, GNSS receiver, system controllers and onboard software.

The Viva GNSS suite’s  GS10 and GS15 system controllers can be used for all tasks and setups for GNSS surveying and construction, including all-on-the-pole or backpack rover; mounted on a car, quad or boat; RTK field base station; and long term monitoring sensor.

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By Inside GNSS
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October 5, 2009

Trimble Introduces RTK GNSS OEM Receiver

Trimble introduced its new Trimble BD970, a real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS receiver for high-precision and control application, at the ION GNSS 2009 show in September.

Capable of receiving a wide range of commercially available satellite signals, the BD970 receiver is designed to allow OEMs and system integrators to easily add centimeter-level positioning to specialized or custom hardware solutions.

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By Inside GNSS
October 1, 2009

NovAtel Launches GPS / GLONASS Products at ION Conference

NovAtel OEMStar

NovAtel Inc. rolled out a series of new products and a firmware upgrade at the Institute of Navigation’s ION GNSS 2009 conference held September 22-25 in Savannah, Georgia, USA.

The Calgary, Alberta, Canada–based GNSS manufacturer announced the launch of their new single-frequency GNSS receiver, OEMStar. The low-cost, 14-channel, L1 receiver measures 46 x 71 millimeters and consumes just 750 milliwatts of power when tracking both GPS and GLONASS signals.

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By Inside GNSS
September 19, 2009

Fireside GPS

My history with GPS began during the time of the “Cold War” in what was then Czechoslovakia. In 1975, the ION Journal of Navigation was the only information available to me.  Despite that, my team at the Czech Technical University developed a GPS receiver and measured the position of our faculty in 1984.  In those relatively isolated years, we gained a good deal of experience with GPS signals.

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Growing Up with GNSS

As I pack my bags for the damply enticing venue of Savannah, Georgia, I’m reminded that this is my 21st consecutive journey to an ION GNSS conference. And the number 21 still has a lingering resonance as the age of majority, the harbinger of having reached adulthood — if not maturity.

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September 17, 2009

OCX budget Cut Could Slow Program; First IIF Might Launch by May 2010

An increasingly likely $97.4-million cut in the GPS OCX budget for fiscal year 2010 (FY10) would slow down work on modernization of the operational control segment, but the Air Force would try to recoup any reduction in the FY11 budget.

Meanwhile, technical problems that have delayed development of the follow-on generation of Block IIF satellites are largely resolved and a first launch is expected in May 2010.

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By Inside GNSS
September 7, 2009

GeoForm+ 2010 /GeoWAY

GeoWAY, now in its fifth year, will cover intelligent transport systems and satellite navigation. It will take place in Pavillion 1, Hall 1 at the Crocus Exposition Center in Moscow, Russia from March 30 to April 2 2010.

It is one of the four specialized exhibitions of GeoForm+ 2010, the seventh international industrial Forum of geodesy, cartography, navigation, geoinformation systems, engineering geology and geophysics, tunnel and utility systems construction.

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By Inside GNSS

International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2009

This year, the International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, which rotates throughout the Asia-Pacific region, will take place in semitropical Jeju, Korea’s only island province, November 4 to 6, 2009.

The theme is "Interchangeability for PnP GNSS".

The chair of the program committee is Chungnam National University Professor Sang Jeong Lee.

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By Inside GNSS
September 1, 2009

u-blox Launches Ultra-Low Power u-blox 6 for Battery-Driven Applications

Thalwil, Switzerland–based embedded GNSS receiver provider u-blox has announced the upgrade of its core CMOS technology to u-blox 6, with substantially reduced power requirements as the result of new "intelligent," user-selectable power management features. According to the company, these innovations enable significantly extended battery life for power-critical GPS applications.

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By Inside GNSS
August 25, 2009

A-GNSS: A Different Approach

When the GPS program was established, military services were undoubtedly targeted as its primary user group, focusing on outdoor operations and offering the capability of continuous tracking. In addition we have heard several times that GPS was planned as a dual-use system from its very beginning.

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By Günter W. Hein