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July 21, 2014

GNSS & Geohazards

Ken Hudnut, U.S. Geological Survey

For at least two decades, GPS experts, geodesists, and public agencies have been working together to develop high-accuracy, large-scale continuously operating GPS reference stations that provide them the capability to monitor and model crustal deformation, tectonic plate movement, and the effects of geohazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Now, GNSS-augmented advance warning systems are going into place that can give us a crucial margin of safety in the event of an earthquake.

And none too soon.

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By Inside GNSS

New Leaders at the GPS Helm

Washington, D.C., has a peculiarity of seasons. While most of the world marks the shifts between winter and spring, summer and autumn, the politicos on the streets of the U.S. capital count the passage of time in two-year increments.

New operatives and appointees flock to the centers of power in the early days of each administration and the opening of each Congress, then migrate to friendlier climes as congressional elections loom and the administration winds down — as it is now.

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By Dee Ann Divis

GNSS Position Estimates

Q: How do measurement errors propagate into GNSS position estimates?

A: Not surprisingly, GNSS positioning accuracy is largely dependent on the level of measurement errors induced by orbital inaccuracies, atmospheric effects, multipath, and noise. This article discusses how, specifically, these errors manifest as position errors.

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By Inside GNSS
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Environmental Sensing

In the past 20 years GPS has simultaneously revolutionized both our modern infrastructure (by providing real-time navigation, mapping, and timing support) and our geodetic/surveying capabilities (by providing millimeter/centimeter-level positioning). At this point, most of the GNSS innovations we expect to see in the next decade will come from calculating positions more accurately and faster, while expanding from GPS to use of all available GNSS signals.

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By Inside GNSS

ITSC 2014: 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014) will take place at the Hyatt Regency Qingdao in Qingdao, China on October 8-11, 2014.

The annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, IEEE ITSC 2014 welcomes articles in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational tests.

Special sessions:

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By Inside GNSS
July 20, 2014

U.S. Geological Survey Releases New National Seismic Maps

Students conduct the “drop, cover, hold on” safety procedure during an earthquake preparedness drill. Photo Credit: Jessica Robertson, USGS

Updated National Seismic Hazard Maps released by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on Thursday (July 17, 2014) indicate a higher level of earthquake risk for the West Coast and some areas of the Midwest and East Coast then previously thought.

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By Inside GNSS
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July 11, 2014

UN/ ICG Workshop: GNSS for Scientific Applications

Aerial view of ICTP

A weeklong workshop on GNSS and its scientific applications in low-latitude regions of the world will be held in Trieste, Italy at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) on December 1-5, 2014.

The five-day event will be held in English. It is sponsored by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and organized by the USA and European Commission through the UN’s International Committee on GNSS (ICG).

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By Inside GNSS
July 9, 2014

PTTI 2014: Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting

PTTI 2014, the 46th systems and applications meeting for Precise Time and Time Interval managers, system engineers and program planners, will be held at the The Seaport Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts on December 1-4, 2014.

Each year, experts meet to exchange precise time and time interval
information at the user level, inform government and industry of the
technology and its challenges, discuss new technology and review present
and future PTTI requirements.

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By Inside GNSS
June 30, 2014

FAA Seeks Comment on Groundbreaking UAS Application, Model Aircraft Rules

Federal aviation officials appear to be moving quickly to defuse mounting pressure for the commercial use of unmanned aircraft, clarifying their authority over such aircraft and starting the public process for licensing small firms for limited operations.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has taken a tough stance in its interpretation of the legal uses for model aircraft published on June 23 in the Federal Register. The issue surged into the national spotlight when the agency failed to win a legal challenge over its authority to regulate such devices.

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By Inside GNSS

GPS OCX Program Being Restructured as Budget Pressures Mount

In response to the ongoing federal budget squeeze, the U.S. Air Force is restructuring the contract for developing its new GPS ground system, a move that could further delay its completion.

The Air Force has asked Raytheon, its contractor for the Next-Generation Operational Control System (OCX), to develop an alternative plan in light of fiscal limitations.

“The current baseline approach is unaffordable” given the funding constraints and “appears to be a much higher risk,” said Steve Moran, the director of GPS Mission Solutions at Raytheon.

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By Inside GNSS