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September 6, 2014

Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2015

The Antiquarium in the Residenz München

The Munich Satellite Navigation Summit will take place at the Residenz Muenchen in Munich, Germany on March 24 – 26, 2015.

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The theme for this year’s summit is “Future of PNT – A Glance into the Crystal Ball”.

The technical program includes plenary discussions and updates on the main activities in worldwide satellite navigation systems, including:

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By Inside GNSS

International Technical Symposium on Navigation and Timing

The Capitole of Toulouse
Toulouse, France

The 2014 International Technical Symposium on Navigation and Timing will be held at the ENAC premises (Bellonte Amphitheater) in Toulouse, France on November 17 – 18, 2014. The objective of the symposium is to gather experts and innovators that will present their views/work on specific navigation- and/or timing-related topics, with an emphasis on technical aspects.

Online registration is open.

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By Inside GNSS
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August 29, 2014

Air Force Weighs Switching to Multiyear GPS Procurements

The Air Force says it might ask Congress for permission to implement bigger buys of GPS satellites beginning in fiscal year 2016 (FY16) once it sorts out whether to drop Lockheed Martin as the GPS III prime contractor and switch to a different manufacturer for the navigation payload.

The department told Congress in a recent report on multiyear procurement (MYP) that while its current approach “allows the government the flexibility to adapt to a changing budget profile and constellation needs, it prevents the program from realizing savings that MYP could provide.”

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By Inside GNSS

Digital Nav Payload Emerges as Factor in GPS III Re-Bid

The advantages of a digital navigation payload, a technology singled out by both the House and Senate for $20 million worth of research support, appears to be a key factor in the Air Force’s search for a new GPS III contractor.

The digital payload “is a direct complement to the Production Readiness Alternate Sources Sought released in June,” Air Force officials said in an emailed response to questions about the technology and how it fits into the ongoing search for new GPS III suppliers.

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By Inside GNSS
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August 15, 2014

As Galileo FOCs Near Launch, EC Holds Public Consultation on Open Service ICD

Installation of Galileo FOC satellite “Doresa” on the payload dispenser system. The first of two Galileo navigation satellites has been integrated on its payload dispenser system at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The second satellite “Milena” was then installed in a side-by-side arrangement and will be mated atop a Soyuz Fregat upper stage. ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Optique Vidéo du CSG photo by P. Baudon

The European Commission (EC) has opened a public consultation on a newly revised version of the Galileo Open Service Signal in Space Interface Control Document (OS SIS ICD).
The consultation will take place through September 22, overlapping the scheduled first launch of fully operational capability (FOC) Galileo satellites on August 21. Details of the consultation process can be found on the EC Directorate-General for Enterprise website.

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By Inside GNSS
August 8, 2014

Test Sites: The Select Six

Remote Sensing

1. The Team
The Pan-Pacific UAS Test Range complex is likely the largest of the FAA test ranges both in terms of its number of participants and its geographic coverage. The University of Alaska Fairbanks manages the team, which comprises some 59 contributors including Oregon and Hawaii as well as the countries of Norway, Ireland and Canada.

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By Inside GNSS

Special Report: UAS in the NAS

Clockwise from top left: A small drone rests on the ground during a demonstration in Florida, The Golden Eagle, a UAV developed at Clarkson University, takes wing, Nick Roy smiles at a drone in a lab at MIT, The Qube unmanned aerial vehicle by AeroVironment.


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By Inside GNSS

Europe’s UAV Experience

Clockwise from top left: Belgium’s Trimble UX5; MAVinci unmanned autonomous microplane is ready to take off for a land survey mission; MAVinci autonomous micro air-vehicle surveys an open mining site; A Delair-Tech UAV sits poised on its stand

To say that the European unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry has drawn a crowd may be understating things. According to Paris-based UAV International, the non-profit association representing European UAV manufacturers, the European Union (EU) counts more than 1,000 “approved and authorized” civil UAV operators within its borders. Others put that number at closer to 1,400.

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By Inside GNSS

Driverless Cars

Stanley, an autonomous car developed by the Stanford University Racing Team, won the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge after successfully traversing a 132-mile course.

Interest in automated vehicles is surging, fueled by visions of computer-directed cars able to independently thread their way through a traffic jam before safely dropping off their otherwise-occupied passengers and finding their own parking place.

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By Inside GNSS

Publisher’s Letter


My first encounter with an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, was at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen Germany. Here, I watched in awe as a small quadrotor operated in an indoor flight testing “holodeck,” complete with an array of high-frequency strobe/camera units designed to log, stream and visualize precise position and attitude for rapid 3D mapping.

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By Inside GNSS