Directorate Releases GPS III Phase 1 Vendor Feasibility RFP - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Directorate Releases GPS III Phase 1 Vendor Feasibility RFP

The GPS Directorate at the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) released a request for proposals today (January 8, 2016) seeking proposals for the GPS III Space Vehicles 11+ Phase 1 Production Readiness Feasibility Assessment contract.

The GPS Directorate at the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) released a request for proposals today (January 8, 2016) seeking proposals for the GPS III Space Vehicles 11+ Phase 1 Production Readiness Feasibility Assessment contract.

This solicitation is for a competitive firm-fixed-price acquisition with up to three contracts not-to-exceed $6 million, with a base contract of $5 million and a 26-month period of performance, plus two $0.5 million options with a six-month period of performance for each option awarded, for a total possible period of performance of 38 months. The RFP reflects the GPS program’s interesting in having options for the prime contractor to build the second tranche of GPS III spacecraft after Air Force officials became dissatisfied with delays in delivering the initial set of satellites. SMC’s GPS Directorate intends to award the GPS III Phase 1 contract in the third quarter of fiscal year 2016.

“Industry told us they were ready to compete for the GPS III space vehicles. We listened and are looking forward to working with industry to assess the feasibility of a follow-on, competitive production contract,” said Col. Steve Whitney, director of Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Directorate.

The scope of this effort includes insight to the contractor’s readiness efforts in preparation for the Phase 2 competition for production SVs and includes access to design artifacts as well as a demonstration of navigation payload capability.

GPS III SV11+ will use the current GPS III SV01-08 requirements baseline with the addition of a redesigned Nuclear Detonation Detection System Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) hosted payload, a Search and Rescue/GPS GFE hosted payload, a Laser Retro-reflector Array GFE hosted payload, Unified S-Band compliance capability, and a regional military protection capability. No changes are allowed to the GPS Next Generation Operational Control System or Military GPS User Equipment interfaces.
