2017 Geospatial World Forum
The Geospatial World Forum 2017 and industry exhibition will be held at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India on January 23 – 25, 2017.
Online registration is available.
By Inside GNSSThe Geospatial World Forum 2017 and industry exhibition will be held at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India on January 23 – 25, 2017.
Online registration is available.
By Inside GNSSNovAtel has signed a contract with Stanford University for a study to determine how GNSS technology can deliver a positioning system that meets safety and accuracy requirements for autonomous land vehicles, the company said.
NovAtel said the study, to be conducted at Stanford’s GPS Research Laboratory, will build on similar aircraft research. In addition, the research will include concepts for high integrity carrier-phase algorithms, threat models, and safety monitors for improving autonomous vehicle transportation, the company said.
By Inside GNSSThe 2017 European Navigation Conference (ENC 2017) will take place on the EPFL campus in the new Swiss Tech Convention Centre (STCC) on the shores of Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland from May 9 – 12, 2017.
The call for papers is now open. The submission deadline is January 8, 2017. Registration and conference program will be available soon.
By Inside GNSSMayflower Communications Company said its submarine anti-jam GPS enhancement (SAGE) supports the U.S. Navy’s multifunction mast antenna System (OE-5388) upgrade to improve communications systems and navigation warfare (NAVWAR) requirements.
By Inside GNSSFederal aviation officials have asked the RTCA, Inc., standards organization to comment on a plan designed to help prevent a proposed wireless broadband network from interfering with the certified GPS receivers used by aircraft.
By Dee Ann DivisThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and Qascom, an Italian company specializing in Galileo, are collaborating to build the first GPS and Galileo receiver to be tested on board the International Space Station (ISS) Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Testbed.
By Inside GNSSThe State Department last week published its final rule that updates export controls on military GNSS receivers through the U.S. Munitions List (USML).
The State Department-controlled USML, governed by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), moves GNSS receivers out of the USML spacecraft systems and related articles category. Instead, GNSS receivers are now controlled under the guidance and navigation systems category.
By Inside GNSSThe U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) has released the first data from its study of power levels for services seeking to use spectrum near GNSS frequencies for ground-based and other applications that could interfere with satellite navigation.
By Dee Ann Divis(UPDATED January 1, 2017) A positive leap second was inserted between second 23:59:59 UTC of 31 December and second 00:00:00 UTC of 1 January 2017. This extra second is displayed on UTC clocks as 23:59:60. The last leap second was introduced in UTC on 30 June 2015 at UTC 23:59:60
By Inside GNSSIt’s official. The Department of Defense is sticking with its current GPS ground system development program and with its current prime contractor Raytheon — although the details of how it will realign the program remain unclear.
By Inside GNSSThe modified Ariane 5 launcher that will lift four Galileo satellites into space is being assembled at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, preparation for launch on November 17.
By Inside GNSSTerrebonne, Canada-based Eos Positioning Systems has released its Arrow Gold Bluetooth GNSS receiver. Arrow Gold is the first iOS, Android, and Windows Bluetooth GNSS receiver to work with GPS, Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou, Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), and the Atlas correction service, the company said.
The palm-sized Arrow Gold receiver provides centimeter-level accuracy on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Arrow Gold, which costs $4,395, works with such data collection systems as Esri’s Collector/Survey123 and others.
By Inside GNSSHemisphere GNSS and Carlson Software have released the Hemisphere S321 and Carlson BRx6 receivers for land surveying, construction fieldwork, and marine operations.
The lightweight and compact new receivers work with GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo, the company said. The receivers also incorporate real-time kinematic (RTK) and L-band corrections, including optimization for Hemisphere’s subscription-based Atlas GNSS global correction service, Hemisphere said.
By Inside GNSS