SAT Expo Europe 2009 (Space Applications and Technologies) - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

SAT Expo Europe 2009 (Space Applications and Technologies)

The SAT Expo Europe 2009 will take place at the new Rome Fair Pavilion from March 19 through 21. The event focuses on four sectors: space exploration and transport, navigation, earth observation and homeland security, integrated telecommunications.

The SAT Expo Europe 2009 will take place at the new Rome Fair Pavilion from March 19 through 21. The event focuses on four sectors: space exploration and transport, navigation, earth observation and homeland security, integrated telecommunications.

The exposition includes:
Mediterranean Space Conference covering space applications for the Mediterranean, beginning Thursday March 19. Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission for Transport, will open the conference.

PSATS (Personal Satellite Services) Scientific Conference, beginning Wednesday, March 18. The conference general chair is Zhili Sun, professor, University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
