Racelogic Announces Updates to LabSat and SatGen - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Racelogic Announces Updates to LabSat and SatGen

Racelogic has made updates to its LabSat simulator and SatGen software, announcing both at ION GNSS+ in Denver earlier this month.

The SatGen software now features an improved dynamics engine and can simulate space scenarios, Technical Sales Engineer Elijah Owens said. Other enhancements include improved route drawing with road, pedestrian, rail and straight-line routing, as well as route drawing and static point using Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap or AMAP. The new user interface offers more intuitive navigation and better control.

The software makes it possible to create a GNSS RF I&Q or IF data file based on a user-generated trajectory that can be replayed on a LabSat simulator. Users can customize scenarios to create just about any kind of test anywhere in the world. This allows users to test receivers or devices in locations they can’t get to. It’s also possible to test at a time in the past or the future.

The software is available in single, dual, triple and multi-frequency/multi-constellation versions.

The company also introduced the new LabSat 4 GNSS simulator, which features a 12-bit I&Q quantization and a flexible 10 to 60 MHz bandwidth for optimized channel setups. It has a wider dynamic range, more resolution in the signal, improved data transfer and larger storage capacity than its predecessor, Marketing Manager Jennifer Edis said. It is designed for precision and customization in signal testing.

“You can put it in the backyard and record live signals,” she said. “It’s really easy to use, which has always been a LabSat strength. We’ve enhanced the functionality to keep up with how our customers want to use it, and kept it at a competitive price point.”
