GPS-Wireless 2009 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

GPS-Wireless 2009

The 13th Annual GPS-WIRELESS conference will be held at the San Mateo Marriott/ San Francisco Airport, between San Francisco and Silcon Valley in California on April 28 and 29 2009 (NOTE DATE CHANGE!)

Mobile information companies will discuss converging navigation, location-based services, fleet and asset management for enterprise markets, online portal, personal location and homeland security markets.

New questions at this year’s event:

Some new questions to be asked at GPS-Wireless 2009:

The 13th Annual GPS-WIRELESS conference will be held at the San Mateo Marriott/ San Francisco Airport, between San Francisco and Silcon Valley in California on April 28 and 29 2009 (NOTE DATE CHANGE!)

Mobile information companies will discuss converging navigation, location-based services, fleet and asset management for enterprise markets, online portal, personal location and homeland security markets.

New questions at this year’s event:

Some new questions to be asked at GPS-Wireless 2009:

  • How will open access affect LBS? How will Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, VZW,
    Sprint, ATT react?
  • What will happen to connected PND?(Best Buy, Magellan, Garmin, Mio, TomTom )?
  • How does map data need to evolve to continue to be the core of LBS? (NAVTEQ, Yahoo, Microsoft, Tele Atlas,
  • What will shape the future LBS value chain and what will consolidation do?
  • What will consumers buy for navigation – handset or PND?
  • What is the role of the retailer?
  • What’s next for LBS?
  • What are the online portals doing to grow the market?
  • When will carriers introduce LBS?
  • Will the asset monitoring market take off?
  • How are fleet and asset management providers making inroads?
  • Will new Portable Navigation Systems features such as
    satellite radio, traffic information and more content become available?

The event is sponsored by Global Technology Communications Inc. (GTCI),
