Launch managers canceled the second attempt to place the first GPS Block IIF satellite in orbit on Friday, May 21, when the telemetry signal between the spacecraft and the satellite ground support equipment was lost minutes before scheduled liftoff. The problem could not be resolved in time to launch during the 18-minute launch window.
Another launch attempt has been set for Sunday, May 23, betwen 11:17 and 11:35 p.m. (EDT). The first launch effort on May 20 was called off when a problem with ground support equipment was detected during the day.
Launch managers canceled the second attempt to place the first GPS Block IIF satellite in orbit on Friday, May 21, when the telemetry signal between the spacecraft and the satellite ground support equipment was lost minutes before scheduled liftoff. The problem could not be resolved in time to launch during the 18-minute launch window.
Another launch attempt has been set for Sunday, May 23, betwen 11:17 and 11:35 p.m. (EDT). The first launch effort on May 20 was called off when a problem with ground support equipment was detected during the day.