Eighth European Space Weather Week - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Eighth European Space Weather Week

Namur Palais des Congres

The 8th European Space Weather Week conference will take place in Namurs, Belgium from November 28 to December 2 ,2011. The conference venue is the old stock exchange of the Walloon capital, transformed into a convention center.

The annual event is sponsored by the European Space Agency. This year, the local organizer is the Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence (STCE).

The 8th European Space Weather Week conference will take place in Namurs, Belgium from November 28 to December 2 ,2011. The conference venue is the old stock exchange of the Walloon capital, transformed into a convention center.

The annual event is sponsored by the European Space Agency. This year, the local organizer is the Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence (STCE).

Keynotes, tutorials, plenary sessions and a debate will explore space weather research, applications and services as well as actions to take to build a Space Weather Infrastructure in Europe. (A midweek beer tasting on Wednesday night will refresh participants.)

Register online at the website below. Early registration ends October 22.

For program information, contact co-chair Alexi Glover, ESA, at the email address below.
