Human Engineering

May 6, 2014

Michel Monnerat: Out of Africa — GNSS

SIDEBAR: Michel Monnerat’s Compass Points

“I was born in Arles, in the south of France,” says Michel Monnerat, “but I left France before my first birthday. We moved many times, from place to place.”

Monnerat’s father worked for a civil engineering company, specializing in maritime works — harbor construction, coastal protection, and such. His family lived in Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Tunisia, but Monnerat spent most of my early life in Lomé, the capital city of Togo.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 18, 2013

Elizabeth Rooney: ‘Not a typical job for most working mums.’

SIDEBAR: Elizabeth Rooney’s Compass Points

Going for her first big job interview after college, Elizabeth Rooney admits she didn’t know what GPS was.

“It was 1995,” she says, “and I was going in to see about this job. I had been looking at some literature from the company I was interviewing with, and there it was, ‘GPS.’ I wondered what the letters meant when I saw them.”

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By Inside GNSS
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September 14, 2013

Ismael Colomina’s Compass Points

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I Fell In Love With GNSS When . . .

“Two GNSS-related experiences really impressed me as a young professional and that I’ve never forgotten. The first involved adjusting a GPS-supported (GPS aerial control) aerial triangulation. By getting rid of most ground control points we managed to produce new results.

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By Inside GNSS
May 28, 2013

Di Qiu: Opportunities of Signals

SIDEBAR: Di Qiu’s Compass Points

Landing all-weather aircraft safely in storms. Protecting sensitive data not only through encryption but based on the location at which it is being accessed. Ensuring that accurate and timely information reaches first responders responding to emergencies. 

Although still in the early part of her career, Di Qiu has already made significant contributions to these crucial applications of navigation technology. 

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By Inside GNSS