201701 January/February 2017 Archives - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

201701 January/February 2017

January 24, 2017

State of Play in China

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is China’s contribution to the world in the domain of Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS). The BDS is being developed by the Chinese government, mainly through military departments, with key considerations for China’s national security, economic interests and social progress.

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By Ingo Baumann

Is it possible to build a low-cost system to detect and locate a single GNSS jammer in near-real time?

Q: Is it possible to build a low-cost system to detect and locate a single GNSS jammer in near-real time?

A: GNSS jammers are an ongoing threat to the reliable use of GNSS. The problem of geolocating GNSS jammers can be addressed using a time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) processing technique; however, this problem is quite different than geolocating jammers in other radio frequency systems. The two main differences are:

(1) No GNSS are available to use as a timing reference.

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By Inside GNSS

GPS Roundup: Congress Reopens for Business

Washington has seen a lot of transitions, so even amidst political controversy it’s generally business as usual.

For the GPS community that business, at least in the near term, will likely center on changes in federal leadership — with many key appointments, like a new Secretary of the Air Force, still to be determined. In addition — even at this early stage when new lawmakers are still trying to find their offices — there are issues and opportunities worth watching in emerging legislation.

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By Dee Ann Divis
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Multi-Receiver GPS-Based Direct Time Estimation


Incorporation of real-time synchronized phasor measurements in the control of power grids can play an important role in maintaining the overall closed-loop stability of the power system. In the past, instability in the power grid caused disturbances ranging from small local perturbations to severe large scale blackouts as can be seen from Figure 1. Currently, the synchronization achieved in measurements collected using devices known as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is not robust enough for efficient monitoring the power grid.

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By Inside GNSS
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FCC Seeks Comments on Allowing Galileo Use in U.S.

After a yearslong wait the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is asking for comments on whether it should allow signals from Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system to be used for non-federal applications in the United States. The call for public feedback is part of a process to grant a waiver so that Galileo-capable receivers don’t have to be licensed in the United States.

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By Inside GNSS
December 24, 2016

Defense Authorization Bill Signals Full GPS Funding, Pushes GPS Back-Up

Yesterday (December 23, 2016) President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017, a $619-billion bill with a number of provisions affecting satellite navigation.

The legislation (S. 2943) fully authorizes the administration’s requests for all the elements of the GPS program — and signals indirectly that appropriators eventually will provide comparable support — although the NDAA does put additional requirements on those developing the new GPS ground system.

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By Dee Ann Divis