New GNSS Modules for IoT Applications
Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH has certified the first two products from Würth Elektronik and added them to its IoT Digital Shelf.
By Inside GNSSDeutsche Telekom IoT GmbH has certified the first two products from Würth Elektronik and added them to its IoT Digital Shelf.
By Inside GNSSIFEN GmbH announced that its NCS NOVA GNSS Simulator fully supports the simulation of Galileo Open-Service (OS) signal improvements based on the new Galileo OS SIS ICD V2.0. This is an important capability because the improved signals are not due to be broadcast until 2023, but can be incorporated now in GNSS receiver manufacturer testing regimes.
By Inside GNSSColdQuanta received two development contracts from U.S. Government agencies worth $2.55M in total, based on the company’s Quantum Core technology that uses atoms cooled to a temperature of nearly absolute zero, and lasers to manipulate and control the atoms with extreme precision. According to the Boulder, Colorado-based company, cold atom quantum technology can be used for secure global navigation, quantum timekeeping, and communications.
By Inside GNSSA new tome — make that two new tomes — join the bookshelf of essential and authoritative references for GNSS users, while widening the umbrella a good deal to cover all PNT technologies, their sensors and their integrations. Edited by four leading lights of the community and assistant-edited by two more, its list of authors rounds up another 131 of the “usual suspects,” the names that are seen repeatedly in the presentations at technical conference and on their organizing boards. In every one of 64 subject matters, the author(s) is/are recognized experts, in many cases the recognized expert, on the material.
By Alan Cameronu-blox has introduced a service that offloads the position calculation from IoT devices into the cloud. The CloudLocate service will enable accurate positioning of IoT devices with constrained computing, communications, and energy resources.
By Inside GNSSGimbal, a location intelligence platform, and NextNav, a 3D geolocation provider, have partnered to makes the vertical dimension – the Z-axis – available for brands and retailers within their mobile applications.
By Inside GNSSu-blox announced its first multi-band high accuracy timing solutions to concurrently support the L1 and L5 GNSS signals. The ZED-F9T-10B and LEA-F9T-10B timing modules and the RCB-F9T-1 timing card deliver nanosecond-level timing accuracies required to synchronize cellular network base stations and smart power grids.
By Inside GNSSTrimble introduced its first dual-frequency — GPS L1 and L5 — embedded timing module providing next-generation wireless networks with 5-nanosecond accuracy.
By Inside GNSSMurata has developed a new micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) inertial sensor, the SCHA63T, for autonomous off-highway vehicles, dynamic inclination sensing and GNSS positioning support.
By Inside GNSSLaird Connectivity, a global provider in wireless technology, brings forth six new GNSS-ready external antennas suitable for a range of applications including vehicle mount.
By Inside GNSSThe u-blox ALEX-R5, a miniature cellular module, integrates low-power wide-area (LPWA) connectivity and GNSS technology into an ultra-small system-in-package (SiP) form factor.
By Inside GNSSKVH Industries has upgraded its TACNAV 3D tactical navigation system with photonic integrated chip (PIC) technology in the P-1775 inertial measurement unit (IMU).
By Inside GNSSVodafone, a British telecommunications company, has successfully used a new precision positioning technology to remotely track a vehicle to within 10 centimeters of its location.
By Inside GNSS