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Smithsonian Air and Space Museum: Lecture, Film and Comments on “Time and Navigation” exhibit

Cast members get ready to film the video for “Time and Navigation,” which will explain concepts from the point of view of five characters from different historical periods(Smithsonian image)

"GPS for Humanity-The Stealth Utility" is the title of a lecture by GPS pioneer Brad Parkinson that will be webcast live at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, March 21  from the Lockheed Martin Imax Theater at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on the Mall in Washington D.C.

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By Inside GNSS
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March 18, 2013

It’s Complicated

It’s spring and privacy proposals are popping up in abundance, threatening to complicate the lives of law enforcement officers, spoil the landscape for some location-based businesses, and choke off the U.S. market for commercial unmanned aerial systems (UAS) before it gets off the ground.

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By Dee Ann Divis
March 13, 2013

IFEN Opens U.S. Operations

IFEN has announced the opening of its U.S. subsidiary, IFEN Inc., to address the American market for GNSS test equipment.

The Poing, Germany–based company has named Mark Wilson as vice-president of sales at IFEN Inc. Wilson, who has more than 20 years’ experience in the GNSS market, said he was "very excited to join the IFEN team. . . . Our exceptional products offer unrivalled flexibility and capability, at realistic prices providing huge advantages to our customers.”

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By Inside GNSS

Interstate GPS Receiver Passes M-Code Test

L-3 Interstate Electronics Corporation (L-3 IEC) announced today (March 12, 2013) that it successfully performed GPS Military Code (M-Code) testing during a “live sky broadcast event” last month.

The IEC M-Code receiver is designed to provide improved accuracy, positioning, navigation and timing in conditions where the performance of current receivers might be compromised or unavailable.

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By Inside GNSS
March 11, 2013

ION’s Joint Navigation Conference 2013 Cancelled

In a March 11 announcement, Institute of Navigation director Lisa Beaty said it was with "sincere regret" that this year’s Joint Navigation Conference will not take place in June as planned. She said all All JNC 2013 registered attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors will receive a full refund of any fees they have already paid.

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By Inside GNSS
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Mike Veth: Engineering Meets the Wild Blue Yonder

Veth proudly poses with his RV-8A fuselage components securely fastened in a jig. The RV-8A is a two-place, tandem, experimental aircraft that is home-built from kit components. When completed, he plans to use the aircraft as an experimental navigation testbed.

SIDEBAR: Mike Veth’s Compass Points

Over the course of Lt. Col. Michael Veth’s 20-year career in the U.S. Air Force (USAF), certain navigation technologies may have changed dramatically, but working toward increased accuracy has remained a constant.

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By Inside GNSS


Anyone who has gone to college is probably familiar with the idea of a capstone course. A final hurdle to clear in receiving a degree, students take such a course to demonstrate their practical knowledge by pulling together all of the main concepts taught throughout the program of study.

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By Inside GNSS

The PNT Boom

FIGURE 1: Potential components of a multisensor integrated navigation system

The navigation world is booming with new ideas at the moment to meet some of the greatest positioning challenges of our times. To realize demanding applications — such as reliable pedestrian navigation, lane identification, and robustness against interference, jamming and spoofing — we need to bring these different ideas together.

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By Inside GNSS

From Fledgling to Flight

Allure Shadow (top), structural clearances (bottom)

The Boeing Company initiated the Unmanned Little Bird (ULB) program in the fall of 2003 to create a developmental platform for an optionally manned, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Initial flight test activity employed a modified MD530FF helicopter, with the first flight taking place on September 8, 2004. Six weeks later the program achieved a fully autonomous multiple waypoint demonstration flight from takeoff through landing.

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By Inside GNSS
March 1, 2013

The Sequester and Its GPS Discontents

Deep military spending cuts set to kick in March 1 will likely slow efforts to modernize the GPS constellation, insiders agree, in large part because many of the personnel needed to push the program forward will be sitting at home, unpaid, one day out of every five.

The human impact of the deep cuts taking effect when sequestration kicks in on Friday was already evident in mid-February during the program review conference held by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.

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By Inside GNSS
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