The GNSS Quartet
The world’s four GNSS programs aren’t exactly a classical quartet, weaving Mozart stanzas in disciplined execution.
By Inside GNSSThe world’s four GNSS programs aren’t exactly a classical quartet, weaving Mozart stanzas in disciplined execution.
By Inside GNSSThe 20th St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (МКИНС2013) will take place at Elektrobribor company, the Russian Federation State Research Center, on May 27-29, 2013.
Conference topics will cover civil uses and aspects of:
By Inside GNSSThe eighth meeting of the International Committee on GNSS will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 10 through November 14 2013.
The meeting’s co-director is Mr. Saleem H. Al Marri, director of the Space Program Department, EIAST, Dubai.
By Inside GNSSRussia will build and launch 13 GLONASS-M and 22 GLONASS –K satellites between now and 2020, according to an outline of the nation’s space program published on the Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) website (January 12, 2013).
By Inside GNSSDo we need performance specs for GNSS user equipment design? For a long time, the signal-in-space interface guidelines provided enough technical guidance. But times have changed.
Over the past two years, the effort by LightSquared to persuade the FCC to allow it to operate high-powered terrestrial transmitters in frequencies adjacent to GPS focused attention on potential vulnerabilities of GNSS user equipment.
By Inside GNSSSeptentrio reported today (January 8, 2013) that the Belgium-headquartered GNSS receiver manufacturer has successfully computed a position/velocity/time (PVT) calculation using BeiDou/Compass satellites in a three-constellation (GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou) solution.
"We are positively surprised of the better than expected performance coming out of what we characterize to be ‘a quite mature constellation,’” Laurent Le Thuaut, Septentrio’s business development manager, told Inside GNSS in an e-mail.
By Inside GNSSThe Institute of Navigation’s 2013 International Technical Meeting will take place January 28, 29 and 30 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel on Mission Bay in San Diego, California.
Stanford’s Sherman Lo will moderate the plenary session, "Exploring the Frontiers of Navigation: Unique and exciting new uses of navigation technologies."
The 120 technical session papers address:
By Inside GNSSCompanies who exhibit at the Institute of Navigation GNSS conference next September will have longer exhibit hall hours to work the floor – but fewer days to do so – at the 2013 event in Nashville, Tennessee.
Based on feedback from exhibitors, ION will eliminate the Friday hours for the industry show and increase the Wednesday and Thursday hours next year.
By Inside GNSSThis is, as they say in Hollywood, a wrap.
The final issue of our seventh year heads off to the printer. And tomorrow I will point my car north and west, returning as generations of Americans have done over the centuries to the family farm, the “home place,” for Thanksgiving.
Because this is the season for gathering in and counting up. For gratitude at what we have received in the year past, and for those untoward things that we have avoided.
By Inside GNSS[Updated November 23] Yuri Urlichich has been dismissed from his post as general designer of the GLONASS satellite navigation system, according to Russian news media reports.
The decision was made by the Russian military-industrial commission, which is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.
Two weeks later, on November 23, Urlichich cited illness and resigned as director general of JSC Russian Space Systems, which contributes to the operation of a number of the nation’s leading space programs in addition to GLONASS.
By Inside GNSSThe International Civil Aviation Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, will hold its 12th Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12) at the ICAO headquarters assembly hall in the Quartier National of Montreal from November 19 through November 30, 2012. The conferences take place every 10 years.
By Inside GNSSNAVCOM 2012 will take place at the Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics (NERTU) auditorium, of Osmania University, Hyderabad, India on December 20 and 21. The conference is part of NERTU’s Pearl Jubilee celebration.
Topics include
This free workshop on GNSS will take place at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on December 8, 9 and 10, 2012.
Registration is limited to the first 100 people. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 22.
This is the fourth Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. It is organized by Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA), whose aim is to promote GNSS interoperability, development, use and applications in the region.
By Inside GNSS