This free workshop on GNSS will take place at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on December 8, 9 and 10, 2012.
Registration is limited to the first 100 people. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 22.
This is the fourth Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. It is organized by Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA), whose aim is to promote GNSS interoperability, development, use and applications in the region.
This free workshop on GNSS will take place at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on December 8, 9 and 10, 2012.
Registration is limited to the first 100 people. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 22.
This is the fourth Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS. It is organized by Multi-GNSS Asia (MGA), whose aim is to promote GNSS interoperability, development, use and applications in the region.
December 8 tutorials include:
- N-FUELS (FUll Educational Library of Signals for Navigation)
- GNSS + WiFi in an urban environment
- Single Frequency precise positioning using Galileo E5 AltBOC signal
- RTK and PPP using GNSS receiver and RTKLIB
On December 9 and 10, sessions will be devoted to GNSS applications, a group discussion on the technologies and results of the Multi-GNSS Demonstration experiment and a demonstration of emergency information distribution during disaster using GNSS.
MultiGNSS Asia was formed to take advantage of the number of GNSS signals that will soon be available in that region and the resulting opportunity to try, test and validate new receiver hardware, algorithms and applications.
Participants include space agencies, universities and institutes in Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.