The Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017 convenes industry, government, and academia from around the world to address complex technology, operations, and policy issues. With a mission to inform and engage, to support progress towards safe, automated mobility, the symposium will take place from July 11-13 in San Francisco, with Ancillary Meetings July 10 and 14. Abstracts for the poster sessions are due by Friday, April 7, 2017.
The Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017 convenes industry, government, and academia from around the world to address complex technology, operations, and policy issues. With a mission to inform and engage, to support progress towards safe, automated mobility, the symposium will take place from July 11-13 in San Francisco, with Ancillary Meetings July 10 and 14. Abstracts for the poster sessions are due by Friday, April 7, 2017.
Topics include law, infrastructure, operations, human factors, shared mobility, cybersecurity, ethics, aftermarket products, enabling technologies, roadworthiness certification, cities, public policy, and consumer acceptance. Now in its fourth year, the symposium is the largest dedicated automated vehicles meeting in the world.
AUVSI and TRB are pleased to announce that there will be two poster sessions at the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017. Both sessions will provide the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge work from across all topics related to automated vehicles.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for one or both sessions. Abstracts for both sessions are due by Friday, April 7, 2017. For more information or to submit your proposal, click here.
On Tuesday, July 11, 2017, during the evening reception, there will be a session for peer-reviewed research posters. Proposals submitted for the Tuesday session should present a discrete and completed research project, akin to what would be published in an academic journal article or presented in a TRB poster session.
On Wednesday July 12, 2017, during the evening reception, there will be a poster and exhibit session showcasing a broader range of content in the field of vehicle automation. Wednesday submissions can be more free-form: introductions to research centers or programs; research agendas, prospective studies, and work in progress; or other posters that are relevant and of high quality but don’t quite fit into the mold of a traditional research poster presentation. Submit your proposal below for presentation consideration.