Int’l Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA 2017) - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Int’l Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA 2017)

“Airborne” by Christopher Klein was built in 2008 for The Linde Group’s headquarters, the Angerhof, in Munich. Wikimedia Commons photo by Martin Falbisoner.

The International Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA) is seeking contributions in a variety of related fields, and the abstracts are to be submitted electronically by July 31, 2017.

The International Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA) is seeking contributions in a variety of related fields, and the abstracts are to be submitted electronically by July 31, 2017.

Papers may contain, but are not limited to investigate procedures, ground operations, ATC procedures, helicopter operations, noise abatement efforts, environmental impacts, human factors, and rules and regulations. Moreover, submissions related to technological aspects such as GNSS, augmentation systems, radio navigation, new and emerging navigation services, signals of opportunity as well as guidance and control aspects are also welcomed. Papers can be submitted to the website:

ISPA, organized by the German Institute of Navigation in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center, will take place Nov. 8-9. The symposium language will be English.

Technical Exhibition
Manufacturers and developers of equipment and components complementing the topics of the Symposium are invited to display state-of-the-art hardware and software. The exhibition will be held in the conference area. For more information, contact the German Institute of Navigation by phone at +49-228-20197.0 or via
email at
