You Need M-Code. We Have It Now.


L3Harris has it available for U.S. armed forces across all programs and platforms.

We are proud to announce that L3Harris is the first company to achieve full approval for its M-code GPS receiver products. L3Harris M-code products are security certified, production qualified, and available to purchase for integration and operational use on DoD platforms.

A common misperception in the industry today is that M-code is not ready. We’re here to tell you that this is not so. M-code is ready, we’ve got it, and we are ready to integrate it into your program. The L3Harris M2GRAM GPS M-code receiver has been independently certified to meet the specifications that the U.S. Government laid out to the U.S. Air Force. We have that seal of approval.


The L3Harris GPS M-code family of products has undergone a rigorous certification and verification process providing value to the end user. It gives our customers the assurance that they will not have to work through challenges in development—because we have completed Technical Requirements Verification (TRV), which establishes a Known and Documented Technical Baseline for Platform Integrators. The government has data available for platform needs; it can supply valuable information to program managers to help make program choices. M-code will no longer delay schedule.

It’s hard to overemphasize just how important certification is. The U.S. Air Force has given L3Harris’ M2GRAM its GPS security certification and approval for operational use without restriction, including export to partner nations in accordance with U.S. GPS Security Policy.

L3Harris is now taking orders for both Type I and Type II, for Army platforms, for UAV applications, for space programs and others. These include spinning projectiles, next-generation long-range precision fires, with anti-jam (AJ) and anti-spoof (AS) capabilities built into the assemblies, mounted platforms and much more.

L3Harris has approved M-code products ready now and in the field. The expertise, capabilities and experience that we’ve developed have grown into a full M-code product family, adaptable to the wide range of U.S. military platforms: air, ground and sea.

We are integrating M-code products into a variety of platforms and applications, and we’d like to talk with you about yours. We can bring design and flexibility to your program.

Like everything else with L3Harris M-code, it’s ready now.

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In addition to the technology hub integrating high-tech problem-solving solutions that L3Harris has long been known for, we now bring the capabilities of a high-volume, low-cost, world-class manufacturing facility. For over 50 years, our plant in Cincinnati, Ohio has been the largest U.S. producer of fuzes. In addition to the dual-surface mount lines already in place, we have established a full GPS manufacturing capability, for turnkey production and testing of these products.

TruNav Type I and Type II M-code cards are now coming off this modernized line. It’s a commitment to the business. It brings in design structure matrix (DSM) and design for manufacturing (DFM) capability.

Our product engineers and manufacturing engineers with long-term experience have been brought into this for their full contribution and expertise. We have a robust supply chain already in place. We have the capability to give you a customizable product to meet your needs, and at the same time we are designing it so it can be easily manufacturable.

This is a game changer for the U.S. and partner armed forces. In addition to successfully completing an innovative R&D process to the satisfaction of the U.S. Air Force, we now have a clear line forward in our design and manufacturing processes.  We will not only continue to meet customer performance goals, we will now achieve cost and deployment goals.


GPS M-code is not the only place where we have expertise. In the deep coupling between M-code and inertial measurement unit (IMU) data that is crucial to operation in jammed environments, we’ve demonstrated that we work very effectively. We have a rich legacy of technical expertise in that regard.

L3Harris has produced blended navigation solutions, using M-code and external navigation aids, taking the process into software to improve performance and to degrade gracefully during a loss of GPS. When GPS signal reception comes back, when the platform re-emerges from a jammed or obstructed environment, our GPS M-code equipment is able to resume, which is verified by the testing we’ve gone through with the TruNav card.

This GPS/inertial integration is the foundational program on which all future products will be built.

We can do the same with other forms of alternative navigation (AltNav) such as those upon which the Mounted Assured Position Navigation and Timing (MAPS) program will be built. The L3Harris program is expandable to blend more into our navigation solution, bringing to bear the full range of size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) solutions, with emphasis on integrity and trust and anti-jam, anti-spoofing.

These M-code plus AltNav solutions will fully arm our users against what they may face in both armored and dismounted applications.

We’re the only ones who are all the way ready.


For every program requiring a custom solution, whether that’s submarine or rocket or any other configuration with a unique set of requirements, we’re here. Do you want to make a modification? Do you need a message sent out in a different way? We’ll work with you on that!

Finally, flexibility: we’re willing to work with anybody, including our competition. We’re open to work with anyone, large or small. Our door is open. That’s the level of commitment to our customer.

We’ve always been able and eager to discuss and address program managers’ desires and challenges, bringing a deep understanding of their needs and what they’re trying to accomplish. Innovation and customization have been our strongpoint. Now we’ve added the volume manufacturing and the certification.

Overall, that makes a very powerful solution to a wide range of needs.

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