Tersus GNSS Releases GeoCaster Software, a Cost-effective Caster Software for NTRIP Corrections - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Tersus GNSS Releases GeoCaster Software, a Cost-effective Caster Software for NTRIP Corrections

Tersus GNSS Inc. just released the Tersus GeoCaster, a Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) Caster Software, to expand its product line and provide users with better and more comprehensive services.

“The Tersus Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) Caster Software is designed to allow GNSS correction data such as RTCM corrections to be repeated and sent to different end users via the internet,” said Xiaohua Wen, Founder & CEO of Tersus GNSS. “GeoCaster has a user-friendly interface and it not only supports multiple bases online simultaneously, but also supports multiple rovers for one base. Our users can have a real-time review of detailed statistics and can modify user-defined permissions manually.”

The Tersus GeoCaster supports configurable bases online simultaneously and configurable rovers for one base. GeoCaster supports Ntrip protocol and has 24/7 operation.

The solution is designed for a variety of applications including surveying, construction engineering, deformation monitoring, automated vehicle, precision agriculture, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), machine control, and robotics.

This is the first release of GeoCaster 1.0. By the time version 2.0 is released, VRS or Vbase functions are planned and the solution will feature a much higher accuracy and longer baseline application, according to Tersus, which said the GeoCaster 2.0 is targeted for release in the first quarter of 2019.
