Ruggedized GNSS Receiver - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Ruggedized GNSS Receiver

Forsberg Services Ltd. (FSL) offers its ruggedized, waterproof MICROpod GNSS enclosure with user-programmable microprocessor. The unit can incorporate NovAtel’s OEMV GNSS cards providing GPS, GLONASS, and inertial positioning and Rockwell’s MPE GPS cards with SAASM P/Y-code and anti-jamming capabilities. MICROpod has 10 switchable RS2332/422 ports and 3 USB ports as well as 6 A/D and 2 D/A channels (12- or 24-bit). The EDGE microprocessor enables optional FSL firmware or firmware plus hardware upgrades including: CAN 2.0 capability via two ports at up to 1Mbit per second, a dual-antenna system that uses two OEMV receivers to provide accurate attitude measurements, and an external inertial measurement unit (IMU) to aid operation during GNSS signal outages. Forsberg Services Ltd., White Cross, Lancaster, United Kingdom.
