President Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 (FY11) would allocate $1.057 billion for Department of Defense (DoD) GPS-related procurement and development activities and nearly $180 million to the Department of Transportation (DoT) for civil GPS programs.
President Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 (FY11) would allocate $1.057 billion for Department of Defense (DoD) GPS-related procurement and development activities and nearly $180 million to the Department of Transportation (DoT) for civil GPS programs.
Those figures compare with $830 million in FY10 DoD appropriations and slightly more than $150 million in GPS-related DoT expenditures in the current budget cycle.
The proposed FY11 DoD items include: $34.471 million for GPS Block IIF satellites and Operational Control Segment (OCS) development, $828.171 million for GPS Block IIIA and Next-Generation Operational Control Segment (OCX) development, and $194.8 million for other program support.
GPS-related DoT budget items include $58.5 million for the addition of new, civil-unique capabilities to the GPS program, $95 million for the Federal Aviation Administration’s Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), $14.5 million for the FAA Ground Based Augmentation System — widely known as the called Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS), and $7.6 million for the inland component of the Nationwide Differential GPS (NDGPS) system.