NavtechGPS, the Washington D.C.-based GNSS technology trainers, will introduce a new advanced receiver course for engineers and designers in their summer seminar series at the Doubletree Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland next July 11-15.
The course is called "Using Advanced GPS/GNSS Signals and Systems." Signal and receiver design expert John Betz, MITRE Corporation, and James Sennott, president of Tracking and Imaging Systems, Inc will teach it.
NavtechGPS, the Washington D.C.-based GNSS technology trainers, will introduce a new advanced receiver course for engineers and designers in their summer seminar series at the Doubletree Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland next July 11-15.
The course is called "Using Advanced GPS/GNSS Signals and Systems." Signal and receiver design expert John Betz, MITRE Corporation, and James Sennott, president of Tracking and Imaging Systems, Inc will teach it.
The fast moving, five-day course targets those with a solid background in GPS who are familiar with engineering mathematics and basic signal processing terminology and techniques.
Betz said, "You will achieve proficiency—not merely familiarity—with the use of GPS/GNSS signals. For example, you will understand similarities and differences between processing the GPS L1C signal and processing the Galileo E1 0S signal and learn how receivers can read the L1C data message even in such weak signal environments that the coding gain is insufficient."
Those who register will receive study materials in advance, including an engineering math review, a textbook and electronic course notes.
NavtechGPS, Betz and Sennott developed the course based on industry feedback and with the technical expertise of Phil Ward, Navward GPS Consulting; Dennis Akos, University of Colorado at Boulder; Michael Braasch, Ohio University; Michael Vaujin, Raytheon Missile Systems; Frank Van Diggelen, Broadcom Corporation; and Alex Cerruti, MITRE Corporation.
For more information about this and other course offerings at the July seminar series go to the NavtechGPS website.
For 25 years, NavTech GPS has organized basic and advanced GNSS seminars for engineers and technical professionals all over the United States and has provided GPS/GNSS applications solutions for military and research customers, with product choices from more than 30 manufacturers.