Mayflower SAGE Provides Anti-Jam Capability for Submarines - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Mayflower SAGE Provides Anti-Jam Capability for Submarines

Mayflower NavGuard 501 Supports U.S. Navy

Mayflower Communications Company said its submarine anti-jam GPS enhancement (SAGE) supports the U.S. Navy’s multifunction mast antenna System (OE-5388) upgrade to improve communications systems and navigation warfare (NAVWAR) requirements.

Mayflower Communications Company said its submarine anti-jam GPS enhancement (SAGE) supports the U.S. Navy’s multifunction mast antenna System (OE-5388) upgrade to improve communications systems and navigation warfare (NAVWAR) requirements.

Mayflower SAGE is part of a contract that Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command awarded to Lockheed Martin Sippican and Granite Slate Manufacturing. SAGE, a variant of a small antenna system (SAS), was developed to support the Navy’s GPS anti-jam requirements for submarines in GPS-contested or -denied NAVWAR environments, the company said.

SAGE, which is integrated into the OE-538B antenna by Lockheed Martin Sippican, features low size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements; multiple ports; GPS radio frequency output; and L1 and L2 outputs with adjustable power levels, the company said.

"The SAGE product has given Mayflower the opportunity to support a U.S. Navy national strategic-level platform and to expand into the next generation of small SWaP NAVWAR GPS anti-jam systems," said Joseph Thomas, Mayflower’s director of government programs.

While SAGE, formally called the NavGuard 501, was developed for submarine antenna mast systems, the company said it can support GPS military-code (M-Code) anti-jam requirements on other military platforms. Because of its small size and low cost, Mayflower SAGE can work with ground combat and support systems; command and control nodes with network management responsibilities; and network timing dependent on GPS signals, the company said.

SAGE can work with multiple GPS devices from a single antenna and is course acquisition- (C/A), selective availability anti-spoofing module- (SAASM) and M-Code-compatible, the company said.

The company said it is working with Lockheed Martin Sippican to complete SAGE integration and environmental qualifications.
