January-February 2008 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

January-February 2008

COMING UP in the January-February 2008 issue…

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COMING UP in the January-February 2008 issue…

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Flight of Innovation: Improvising an Integrated Solution for Establishing Alaskan Village Boundaries
by Eric Stahlke, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska.
When an Alaskan nonprofit corporation consisting of 42 small and remotely located villages wanted to establish jurisdictional boundaries under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, half-million-dollar photogrammetric cameras and $50,000 software suites were out of the question. In their place, the Tanana Chiefs Conference surveyors improvised an affordable solution, incorporating a small-format digital camera, GPS/GLONASS receivers, and imaging software originally designed for use with imaging total stations.


Compass Rising: China’s Satellite Navigation Program
Until now, information about China’s GNSS system — Compass, or Beidou — has largely been limited to intergovernmental discussions, filings with the International Telecommunications Union, and analyses of satellite signals by international researchers. In December, however, details of the Compass program and plans were discussed for the first time at the only GNSS conference authorized by China’s government, the Shanghai Navigation Forum, for which Inside GNSS served as a media sponsor. Editor Glen Gibbons attended the conference, visited several companies active in the country’s GNSS program, and brings back a report on the current state of satellite navigation in China.



Another in our popular series about GNSS engineers (including their favorite equations),
by Melody Ward Leslie
(See previous articles in this series)


Part I: Ultratight GNSS/INS integration with Paul Groves and Neil Boasman, QinetiQ, United Kingdom
Part II: Determination of platform orientation using GNSS and/or MEMS inertial sensors with Yong Li, Satellite Navigation and Positioning (SNAP) Lab, School of Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
(See previous articles in this series)


This issue’s column will discuss unmanned air vehicle technology. The author is Dipl.-Ing. Maria Fatima de Bento, a research associate at the Institute of Geodesy and Navigation, University FAF Munich, and a former avionics engineer with the Portuguese Air Force.
(See previous articles in this series)

February 19-21
Munich Satellite Navigation Summit

Munich, Germany
March 13-14
GPS Wireless 2008

San Francisco, California, USA

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