Jan De Nul Adds SBG Navsight Apogee to its Bathometric Survey USV - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Jan De Nul Adds SBG Navsight Apogee to its Bathometric Survey USV

After an in-depth assessment and test campaign, Jan De Nul, the offshore energy, dredging and construction firm, has selected Navsight-Apogee by SBG Systems for integration into its unmanned bathometric survey vessel.

Navsight Apogee combines SBG’s Apogee-grade inertial measurement unit (IMU) and Navsight, the rugged processing engine with embedded fusion intelligence and an optional GNSS receiver. The solution is designed to be simple, versatile and cost-effective and is suitable for a range of surveying and testing applications. Its internal extended Kalman filter combines real-time inertial, multi-constellation GNSS and other data for robust positioning and orientation in harsh environments and during GNSS outage.

Jan De Nul is known for its use of advanced technologies in its offshore operations. In this case, it was looking for a high-performance and highly reliable inertial navigation system (INS) solution for its noted hybrid, unmanned surface vehicle (USV), Beluga 01. Jan De Nul is among the first dredging companies to deploy an unmanned survey vessel for maritime and offshore activities.

On its initial deployment in 2022, Beluga 01, which is based on the innovative Mariner class USV from Maritime Robotics, was widely seen as an important first step in the movement towards unmanned, autonomous, offshore survey operations. Sailing under the Luxembourg flag, the vehicle has proven its seaworthiness in rough conditions, having collected, over two years, hydrographic and water-quality measurements in locations around the world. Beluga 01’s high operational efficiency makes it a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional bathymetric survey vessels.

Just what was needed

Jan De Nul’s specific technical requirements when searching for a high-performance IMU included accurate measurement of pitch, roll, and heave (P/R/H), a small form factor for pole installations, a user-friendly interface and installation process, and extremely reliable performance, all of which requirements, the company considers, have been met by the SBG Systems solution.

Navsight Apogee’s performance when GNSS is not available make it ideal for shallow- to deep-water applications, with an intuitive user interface and easy configuration. Unique features also enable easy verification of mechanical installations, sensor positions, lever arms and alignments.

In a recent communication, Jan De Nul Senior Survey Engineer Nils Lowie said SBG Navsight-Apogee provides much needed confidence when carrying out surveys in challenging conditions, enabling Beluga 01 handlers to maximize operating windows in both near- and offshore waters.

Jan De Nul and SBG Systems worked together closely during the Belugo 01/Navsight Apogee integration process, carrying out a number of system modifications and improvements to further enhance performance and functionality. Both companies appear keen to maintain the partnership.
