Inside GNSS Wins Award for Editorial Excellence - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Inside GNSS Wins Award for Editorial Excellence

Sure, we don’t mind tooting our own horn, but it’s nice when somebody else does it for us.

That’s why Folio: magazine’s selection of Inside GNSS for one of its Eddie Awards for editorial excellence was such a special treat. Folio: is arguably the most prestigious magazine covering the publishing industry — particularly business-to-business (B2B) magazines such as Inside GNSS.

Sure, we don’t mind tooting our own horn, but it’s nice when somebody else does it for us.

That’s why Folio: magazine’s selection of Inside GNSS for one of its Eddie Awards for editorial excellence was such a special treat. Folio: is arguably the most prestigious magazine covering the publishing industry — particularly business-to-business (B2B) magazines such as Inside GNSS.

This year’s competition drew a record breaking 2,200 entries for about 70 categories of Eddies and Ozzies, Folio: awards for design excellence. Panels composed of more than 100 outside judges evaluated the entries.

One of three finalists in the B2B Technology/Computing/Telecom category along with two other well-established publications, Inside GNSS — still in its first year of publication — won the Silver Award (second place). Computerworld took the gold award and InformationWeek, the bronze.

Glen Gibbons, editor and managing partner, and Russell Brody, publisher, attended the gala awards ceremony in New York City (see accompanying photos).

A complete listing of the Folio: award winners can be found on-line at <>
