Seminar "Securing Positioning, Navigation & Timing", June 14 in London

Innovate UK / KTN Hosting Technology Seminar: “Securing Positioning, Navigation & Timing”

Innovate UK / KTN (Knowledge Transfer Network) is hosting a technology focused seminar, “Securing Positioning, Navigation & Timing”, June 14 in London. It is designed to explore collaboratively, with users and providers, the need for back-up systems across all sectors and the contribution that may be made by two wide area systems (STL and eLoran) mentioned in the London Economics report.
This meeting is open to all with a professional interest in resilient PNT and is free to attend thanks to the generosity of the event’s sponsors.

The event aims to provide:
• Summary of the reports’ recommendations and implications
• Mutual understanding of technical needs and capabilities: open dialogue between users and providers
• Briefings from the back-up system providers: status, pros, cons
• Agree outline actions for assessment and potential for use of the systems
10:00  – Registration
10:15 – Welcome and Introduction, John Pottle, Royal Institute of Navigation and Bob Cockshott, KTN
10:25  – Blackett Report on Satellite-derived Time and Position: The Recommendations and Implications,
Andy Proctor, Innovate UK
10:45 – The User Need for a Timing Back-up (e.g. Telecom, Finance, Power Transmission), including Q&A
11:05 – The User Need for a Positioning/Navigation Back-up (e.g. Maritime, Land Mobile, CAV, Rail), including Q&A, John Pottle, Royal Institute of Navigation
11:25 – Break & Networking
11:40 – Satellite Time & Location (STL) Technology Overview, Strengths & Weaknesses, Implementation Status, John Fischer, Spectracom Orolia
12:10 – Q&A Open Session on STL – Timing and Positioning/Navigation Capabilities
12:50 – Lunch & Networking
13:35 – Enhanced Loran Technology Overview, Strengths & Weaknesses, Implementation Status, Chuck Schue, UrsaNav
14:05 – Q&A Open Session on eLoran – Timing and Positioning/Navigation Capabilities
14:45 – Break & Networking
15:00 – Breakout Groups: Open Dialogue of Needs and Technology Capabilities, and Actions for Assessment and Potential Use
15:30 – Plenary: Summary from each group
15:50 – Workshop Summary, Nick Lambert, NLA Ltd
16:00 Close
The recently published Blackett report “Satellite-derived Time and Position: A Study of Critical Dependencies” concludes “we must take steps to increase the resilience of our critical services in the event of GNSS disruption, including by adopting potential back-up systems where necessary”. This topic will be included discussions during the event.
The event takes place at the Trinity House, Trinity Square, London, UK. For more information, click here