Hexagon Demonstrates Lane-Level Accuracy with Safety and Integrity at CES 2020 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Hexagon Demonstrates Lane-Level Accuracy with Safety and Integrity at CES 2020

Correction Technology and Software Positioning Engine Showcased in Las Vegas

(Las Vegas, Nevada, January 6, 2020) – Hexagon’s Positioning Intelligence division is proud to be showcasing state-of-the-art technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) January 7 to 10  in Las Vegas, Nevada. TerraStar X™ correction technology combined with Hexagon’s software positioning engine will  be used to demonstrate production-level results on real roads throughout the city of Las Vegas. The demonstrations, being conducted by the Safety Critical Systems team, will include real-time protection level output, advanced sensor fusion positioning techniques, and rapid converging, lane-level accuracy.

The software positioning engine is customizable to accept measurements from a variety of GNSS automotive grade chipsets and sensors, fusing them with input from Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and vehicle odometry to produce an accurate absolute position, velocity and attitude solution for vehicle or feature control. TerraStar X delivers centimeter-level accuracy in under a minute, leveraging existing Hexagon capabilities in ground network infrastructure, correction data generation, and data packaging for IP delivery of data to enable integrity and authentication for safety-critical applications like autonomous driving. By combining the software positioning engine with the fast converging TerraStar X correction technology, users will see an improvement of up to 70% in accuracy over industry standard chipsets.

“Our team has made significant progress on both TerraStar X and our software positioning engine and we are very pleased to share and demonstrate the results here at CES,” said Jonathan Auld, NovAtel® VP of Engineering & Safety Critical Systems, “The fusion of GNSS with vehicle odometry and inertial measurements provides continuous lane-level positioning from highway conditions to the most challenging of environments.”
