GPS Directorate Sets Date for Public Meeting on Signal Specifications - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

GPS Directorate Sets Date for Public Meeting on Signal Specifications

The GPS Directorate will host a 2015 Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) and Open Forum on December 9 and 10 to update the public on GPS public document revisions and gather comments for future possible changes in GPS signal specifications.

Under consideration are the following Interface Specification (IS) documents concerning the Global Positioning System: IS-GPS-200 (Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705 (User Segment L5 Interfaces), and IS-GPS-800 (User Segment L1C Interface).

The GPS Directorate will host a 2015 Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) and Open Forum on December 9 and 10 to update the public on GPS public document revisions and gather comments for future possible changes in GPS signal specifications.

Under consideration are the following Interface Specification (IS) documents concerning the Global Positioning System: IS-GPS-200 (Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705 (User Segment L5 Interfaces), and IS-GPS-800 (User Segment L1C Interface).

The 2015 ICWG and Open Forum are open to the general public with a registration deadline of November 23. The meeting will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 121 North Douglas Street, El Segundo, California. A Federal Register notice provides further details.
