GPS Directorate Considers Revisions to GPS Interface Specs - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

GPS Directorate Considers Revisions to GPS Interface Specs

The U.S. Air Force Global Positioning Systems Directorate is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to selected sections of the GPS Interface Specifications.

The GPS Directorate requests public comments on the following Proposed Interface Revision Notices (PIRNs) in preparation for a public meeting of the GPS Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) planned in December.
    • PIRN-IS-705D-001 (L5 Phase Noise Plot)
    • PIRN-IS-800D-001 (L1C Phase Noise Plot)

The U.S. Air Force Global Positioning Systems Directorate is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to selected sections of the GPS Interface Specifications.

The GPS Directorate requests public comments on the following Proposed Interface Revision Notices (PIRNs) in preparation for a public meeting of the GPS Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) planned in December.
    • PIRN-IS-705D-001 (L5 Phase Noise Plot)
    • PIRN-IS-800D-001 (L1C Phase Noise Plot)
    • PIRN-IS-800D-002 (Incorrect CNAV-2 Message Structure Reference for IAURANED Parameters)
    • PIRN-IS-200H-001 (Incorrect P-Code Phase Assignments)

 Comments are due August 31, 2015. Copies of the documents under review can be found here.

 The date of the ICWG meeting and other information will appear in the Federal Register at a later time.
