Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) - State/Local Government Meeting - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) – State/Local Government Meeting

Illustration of Cascadia Subduction zone, which lies about 50 miles off the Pacific Northwest and Northern California coast.

The CGSIC States and Local Government Subcommittee will hold an all-day meeting on August 14 in Seattle, Washington at 700 Fifth Avenue, Room 4050.

CGSIC meetings concern the U.S. GPS program and are free and open to the public.

The CGSIC States and Local Government Subcommittee will hold an all-day meeting on August 14 in Seattle, Washington at 700 Fifth Avenue, Room 4050.

CGSIC meetings concern the U.S. GPS program and are free and open to the public.

The August 14 agenda includes a GPS constellation briefing by the USAF Second Space Operations Squadron (2 SOPS), U.S. diplomatic GNSS activities by the State Department, a talk on an experimental landing system by the Boeing Flight Test Center, connected vehicle highway network applications by the Department of Transportatio, a talk on GNSS surveying and mapping in remote locations and other topics of general interest.

Especially pertinent to the region around Seattle, which lies atop a major subduction zone, are reports on regional monitoring of plate tectonics and critical infrstructure by speakers from the Washington State Reference Network and Central Washington University.

For more information, contact Rick Hamilton, CGSIC executive secretariat at the telephone number or email address below.
