GPS Constellation Simulator - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

GPS Constellation Simulator

GPS Creations offers the GPS SIM14, an L1/L2 GPS constellation simulator available in either C/A code–only or C/A-code and P-code configurations, which can simulate up to 14 satellites simultaneously. The simulator can be integrated with a multi-function feature card (MFI/O) to provide extended capabilities such as IMU, automotive, and factory test & timing. An adjustable RF power output has a dynamic range of 66 dB.

GPS Creations offers the GPS SIM14, an L1/L2 GPS constellation simulator available in either C/A code–only or C/A-code and P-code configurations, which can simulate up to 14 satellites simultaneously. The simulator can be integrated with a multi-function feature card (MFI/O) to provide extended capabilities such as IMU, automotive, and factory test & timing. An adjustable RF power output has a dynamic range of 66 dB. The system can simulate spacecraft velocities and re-entry vehicles and may be operated by remote control via GPIB, Ethernet, ScramNet, or RS232 connections, according to the company.
