ITT Exelis offers the Signal Sentry 1000, a system designed to detect, geolocate, and characterize sources of intentional and unintentional interference to GPS and other GNSS ssignals and provide actionable intelligence to the user.
ITT Exelis offers the Signal Sentry 1000, a system designed to detect, geolocate, and characterize sources of intentional and unintentional interference to GPS and other GNSS ssignals and provide actionable intelligence to the user.
The patented, web-enabled system leverages GNSS signal domain knowledge, using commercially available GPS receiver and computer server/data technology. Actionable intelligence is available in the form of pin mapping of interference sources in addition to longitude/latitude/altitude data. Among other applications, Signal Sentry 1000 can be used to defend against disruption of GPS guidance, traffic, and asset control systems and interference of GPS tracking of high-value assets.
Signal Sentry GPS sensors placed strategically around an area of interest will instantaneously sense and locate the jamming sources. According to the companyk, the sensor data is then analyzed in real time, the threat type is verified, geolocated, and presented on a web-based visual map. If multiple jamming sources are present, the system locates each individually.
The system can be configured to share geolocation information with local law enforcement for responding to the threat. All sensor data is sent to a secure central processing facility for further threat analysis and archiving.
More information is available on the ITT Exelis website.